Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Read This Before You Decide To Take A Fat Loss Pill

P.S The image on the left is of the Hoodia Gordonii Plant

Today’s energy and weight loss supplements focus is Hoodia Gordonii. The South African government classifies Hoodia Gordonii as food and not as a drug or herbal supplement. This indicates they believe this to be safe for human consumption. However, the South African government knows that the Hoodia plant has been consumed for centuries by South African populations.

Losing too much weight too fast is a great hazard to the body. With Hoodia Gordonii this can be a very common occurrence. With daily Hoodia supplementation, it is not uncommon for an individual to lose as much as five pounds a week. Why is fast weight loss so unhealthy? Rapid weight loss puts undo stress on the heart, muscles, nerves, and the brain. Weight loss that is greater than two pounds a week may also result in temporary weight loss instead of permanent weight loss.

Daily Hoodia Gordonii supplementation can result in the shortfall of 1000 calories. This can cause a plateau in weight loss. The body will feel as if the body is starving and drastically decrease the body's metabolism. This is the body's way of protecting itself from famine. Hoodia Gordonii also decreases the body's urge to drink liquids. Drinking eight glasses of water daily is challenging since the body will not prompt you to drink because thirst is not triggered normally. Hoodia Gordonii can trigger an internal detoxification process. Water is necessary to flush toxins and waste products from the body.

As I continue to mention diet is the best way to consistently get results for weight loss, without putting you at risk. If your interested in loosing weight the safe way there is a great book I recommend. It can be downloaded by clicking here (P.S I will be coming out with my weight loss book very shortly, so stay tunned)

Thank you for reading. Please tell a friend about our website if you are pleased with the content by clicking on the "tell a friend button" located at the top of the web page!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Has Your Bench Press Hit A Plateau???

Add 50 pounds to your bench press...

Here's HOW!

If you want to be able to do this you need to set up a structure, meaning you actually have to work out on a schedule. But the most inportant thing is to TRAIN HEAVY with the right form. Too many guys at the gym push heavy weight but with poor form. Lets face it you wont be adding 50 pounds to your bench in a few days, but in a few short months this goal is attainable. "I hear it all the time how someone wants to get stronger, yet they end up training like my grandmother," says Jim Wendler, a London, Ohio, trainer and former champion power-lifter with a 675-pound bench press. "You have to lift heavy weights to increase strength." That means using loads that are between 85% and 100% of your one-repetition maximum (1RM)--the most weight you can handle for one rep. Each time you bench, build up to your 1RM with this progression (after your warm-up):


1 50% five reps
2 60% five reps
3 70% three reps
4 80% one rep
5-7 90% two to three reps

Estimate an increase in your 1RM by two-and-a-half to five pounds each week, and adjust the weights you use on all the sets accordingly until you hit the desired weight you want to add. In this case adding 50 pounds to your bench can be reached between 10-20 weeks. Results may vary based on your training skill, post work-out recovery nutrition, overall eating frequency through out the day, and the ability to recover quickly, how much you rest, etc. Lets face it there's a lot more behind the scenes than what we do in the gym. Most teens I consult think it's only about what you do in the gym that's important, but the truth is the opposite...

Find out the secrets that have people busting through their plateaus, and gaining more muscle than ever before. Click HERE to Discover the Secrets!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Stressed??? Do we ever REALLY wonder why?

So how many people do you know that when you ask the question: so how do you like your new job? or how's work going? say to you: oh it's ok! or oh you is work!

Sorry but newsflash: No it's not just work! We spend 40 hours a week at our jobs and almost all of us are miserable. I don't know about you guys but something is definitely wrong here! Do we not hear alarm bells ringing in this situation?

Now I know that there are many reasons why people put up with being unhappy at work but there is no reason that is more important than your happiness.

The sad thing is, is that we as a society have been conditioned to put your unhappiness aside because of "fear". Whether we stay at a position that makes us more money to put the kids through school or to pay off our debts, most of us are unhappy because "fear of failing" in some way, shape or form is holding us back. So we have settled! Settled to be unhappy because of fear!

We also have been conditioned as an instant gratification society; we get what we want now! or I work really hard so I deserve that! Don't we see that the huge marketing companies and the banks have conditioned us to spend, spend, spend.

"That's ok, I will go and buy all these clothes and shoes and my husband will buy the bigger and better tv and we will move into a bigger and better house and we will be happy with all this material wealth".

People, we have to wake up and smell the coffee! Material wealth will never make us happy. Granted, we will be happy for a little while after we purchase something new, however, when the excitement wears off, we are back to where we started paying more and more bills, working pay cheque to pay cheque and worse of all: being unhappy.

This vicious cycle of unhappiness is in your power to stop it! Start enjoying your life now!

I work for a financial company which we also do group benefits for major corporations. The number one drug that is prescribed to people today is antidepressants and the number one reason people take time off of work is, you guessed it...stress.

So please next time you wake up for work on a Monday morning and say: I don't feel like going to work today! Start listening to your feelings,rethink and ask yourself: Is this really all worth it?

"A useless life is an early death" - Goethe

"What is the meaning of life? To be happy and useful" - HH the Dalai Lama

Remember: Happiness is the source of life!

You possess all the power to be what you want to be and achieve what you want to achieve.

Please feel free to contact me via email :)

Helen Hons. BA
Certified Coach Practitioner
Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming

Wanna See Your Abs!???

"When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it." - Dr. Sigmund Freud

Hey Everybody!

Do you find it hard to exercise around this time? The weather is getting colder and your house is just so nice and warm....Snap out of it! If you need the motivation to hit the gym you have to find reasons and ways to motivate yourself especially on those days you are feeling lazy. Need motivation? Well how about that family or work Christmas party that is coming up in 9 weeks? I know some women who actually buy a dress a size smaller and work their butts off to fit into it just in time for their big party. 9 weeks gives you a good amount of time to change your body. Now if you are a guy obviously this won't relate to you but you get the idea ;)

Find ways to motivate yourself, keep your goal in mind and put in the work to achieve it. I want you to be that person in the slinky black dress getting all the compliments this year. You can do it!

Now this weeks article is by Tom Venuto who is a personal training expert out of Virginia. The headline of the article speaks for itself but when you read it you will be surprised at what you find out..

"How to see your lower abs"

By Tom Venuto
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle

Seeing your abs, or any other muscle group, for that matter - is almost entirely the result of having low body fat levels. You get low body fat from proper diet (as well as cardio and strength training), not from doing hundreds of ab exercises every day.

My guess is that it may seem like your lower ab muscles are "hard to develop,"but it's not really an issue of "muscle development" at all, you simply have too much body fat and are storing it in your lower abdominal region more readily than other parts of your body and you can't see the muscles through the fat.

Most people don't have their fat distributed evenly throughout their bodies. Each of us inherits a genetically determined and hormonally-influenced pattern of fat storage just as we inherit our eye or hair color. In other words, the fat seems to "stick" to certain areas more than others.

MEN often tend to store fat more readily in the lower abdominal region (the "pot belly", "spare tire", "beer gut", or "love handles").

In WOMEN, the "stubborn" areas are usually the hips, thighs ("saddlebags") and the triceps ("grandmother arms").

You could focus on more "lower ab" exercises like hanging leg raises, reverse crunches and hip lifts ("toes to sky"), but even these won't help as long as you still have body fat covering the muscles.

You can't "spot reduce" with abdominal exercise.

The lower ab area is often the first place the fat goes when you gain it, and the last place it comes off when you're losing it.

Think of ab fat like the deep end of the swimming pool. No matter how much you protest, there is no way you can drain the deep end before the shallow end.

I would suggest cutting back the volume on your ab training and spending that time on more cardio work instead. Personally, I only do about 15 minutes of ab work two times per week. (About two to four exercises with reps usually ranging from 10-25 reps).

As far as nutrition goes, here are a few fat-burning nutrition guidelines in a nutshell:

- Eat about 15-20% below your calorie maintenance level. If you use
a more aggressive calorie deficit of 25-30%, then do not keep
calories too low for too long; increase calories to maintenance or
maintenance +10-15% 1-2 days per week.

- Spread your calories into 5-6 smaller meals instead of 2-3 big
ones. Be very conscious of portion size. eat too much of anything
and you can say goodbye to your abs. Period.

- Eat a source of complete, high quality lean protein with each meal
(egg whites, lean meat, fish, protein powder, etc). Choose natural,
complex carbs such as vegetables, oatmeal, yams, potatoes, beans,
brown rice and whole grains. Start with aprox. 50% of your calories
from natural carbs and reduce carbs slightly (esp. late in the day)
if you are not losing fat.

- Avoid refined, simple carbs that contain white flour or white

- Keep total fats low and saturated fats low. Aim for 20% of your
total calories from fat (and no more than 30%). A little bit of
"good fat" like flax oil, fish fat, nuts & seeds, etc is better
than a no fat diet.

- Drink plenty of water - a gallon is a good ballpark to shoot for
if you are physically active.

So while doing 1000+ reps of ab work four days a week is an amazing feat of endurance, but thats not how you get visible, rock hard, 6-pack abs!

You might have outstanding development in your abdominal muscles, but if your abs are covered up with a layer of fat, you won't be able to see them even if you do 10,000 reps a day!

You "get abs" from reducing your body fat and you reduce body fat mostly through diet and cardio.

Tom Venuto
Fat Loss Expert at Global Health & Fitness (GHF)

Read more about this article @

If you want that cover model body to show off in the summer time NOW is the time to start working towards it. Watch your nutrition, be consistent with exercise and always have goals to motivate you into better realities. Have a great week everybody!


GO Fitness
Dan Go, Elite fitness trainer

"Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." - Marcus Aurelius

Halloween; The sweetest time of the year. Or is it!

Halloween was one of those times that couldn't come fast enough. When the night came I knew that I would unite my self with bags of candy. All I would have to do was ring on a few doors, and I would have my fix of sugar heaven. Back then I knew nothing about nutrition, diet, health, etc. and let’s face it why would I need to. My parents were the ones responsible for me at that time in my life. But times have changed and so do candies. They don't make them like they used to, is a saying I've herd far too much, but it’s true. The candy companies are always looking for a way to increase profits. If they can’t charge more for the candy then they'll just have to find cheaper ingredients to save on the back end, leaving them with bigger pockets. What does this have to do with anything? Well a lot, but mainly the fact that they now use a ton of artificial sweeteners, and liquid corn syrup. For which these are the probable cause why most children are now diabetic. Tell me when you heard of a kid being diabetic 5-10 years ago. I sure haven't. But now diabetes in kids is climbing and the parents are confused and baffled as to why. Well lets take a look at a the average kids diet in today’s society. It’s filled with sugary juices, sweet snacks filled with more sugar, refined simple sugars from cereals, liquid corn syrup, artificial flavors and sweeteners, and the list goes on. All of these have an affect on our insulin. This is what manages the sugar in our bodies, and gets rid of it when there is an access of it. (Having to much sugar wondering around in our body is dangerous to our health). The pancreas will stop working if it continually needs to release insulin to remove large amounts of sugar out of the blood stream. In other words it doesn’t work as efficiently when it is over taxed and therefore it can’t produce as much insulin. And that is why these kids have to carry insulin around everyday. But the real solution still lies in the diet. As Hippocrates said it;

“Let your food be your medicine & your medicine be your food”

Think about it. Most of our health problems stem from our poor diets…

Now that you are aware of a few substances that can make us fat, download a free eBook on the "12 Foods That Make Us Fat" Click HERE

Friday, October 26, 2007

Take responsibility for yourself; Pack your lunch!

Excuses #1
I don’t have time to prepare meals!

Think about it, there is time in every ones day to anything they need to do. It boils down to prioritizing what’s important to you. If you want to take control of your diet, it begins with time management. We all have the same amount of time in one day than the next person. There are 24 hours in our day, sure we don’t stay awake for all of them but I’ll show you what we might be doing with our time. The way I break it down is into three sections;

-8 hours to sleep
-8 hours to work
-8 hours to play

(Now this might not hold true for every one, but it’s a good way of discussing my point)

When I say play I mean this as your free time. So you have 8 hours to plan for the free time that you now have. Okay so you’re saying you don’t have that much time and I’m sure your right. Put into account travel time to work, getting ready in the morning, taking the kids to practice, and now you have half of that time. Let us say 4 hours. This is still a substantial time in the day where you can prepare food, and do grocery shopping. Now you don’t have to shop everyday, as I mentioned before you will want to shop every 4 days. So this leaves you with preparing food for the day.
You will need to strategize your time and manage it well. Ask you’re self where you spend most of your time. Is it in front of the computer surfing aimlessly, is it in front of the tube watching reruns of Everyone Loves Raymond. Is it hanging out with your friends after work at a bar? Now I’m not saying you do this, but it just goes to show you this might be where others are spending their time.

You can delegate tasks to the whole family to prepare meals and meals in advanced. If you have children you can get them to prepare they’re school lunch, while you prepare your foods for your days work (think about how much money you can save not eating out at work) the average person spends anywhere from $10-30 a day for 5 day work week. That’s anywhere from $50-150 a week being spent on lunch. You can take this money and buy fresh food at the super market rather than spending it and still have left over money for the week.

Preparing meals isn’t that hard and doesn’t take that long. You can prepare your meals for the day ahead but I don’t recommend any later than that because you always want the food to taste fresh. You want to be shopping every 4 days so the food can remain fresh and maintain its highest form of nutrients. As groceries age it tends to drop the level of benefit it holds. So again try to schedule a visit to the grocery every 4 days. There are many super markets that are open late and a few that are 24 hours. There really is no excuse why you can’t make it. Refer to the article in the archive of this site on how to go shopping at the market.

You can prepare many different types of foods, and there will be dishes that will take more time than others. It’s up to you to know how much time you have for making meals. This is based on your schedule. As mentioned above, although most of m clients spend no more that 45 minutes in the kitchen preparing their meals for the whole day.

You can cook chicken in advanced. You can cook chicken for 3 days, if you want to have fish you can do the same, this goes for steaks too. Many people will be asking, well wont the food taste dry? It might, but it’s up to you to have it seasoned and cooked right. So it can taste good. You can always squeeze a bit of lemon over your food. Lemon is very good and it also helps cut grease and tighten up your skin!

If you haven’t been in the kitchen before or you rarely make food, I would suggest you learn how to prepare meals. I will help you as much as I can through the upcoming articles and through my practice if you decide to visit me. I also offer courses on how to prepare and make meals!

If you use a cook book, you can alter it according to your good nutritional habits. You can replace many ingredients with other ones that are healthier. You can replace your protein source (meat) with a leaner type of meat. You can replace white rice with brown rice as another example. Instead of white flour you can use whole wheat flour. You can make your own sauces instead of buying them at the stores and you have more control over them because there won’t have any additives or preservatives in it. You can replace butter with olive oil. You can make protein bars instead of buying them. Many of the packaged products out there aren’t really even that good for you. The goal would be to prepare your own food for the day. In the long run you will have incorporated healthy habits into your life and families and you would have saved a lot of money too from not eating out all the time!

Refer to the articles on the right hand side to give you more insight on when to eat, and the timing of eating. As I mentioned before if there is anything I have not covered let me know, and I will post a related article promptly. Thank you for reading and have a great new day preparing your meals!

Learn how thousands of people are transforming their lives with one simple eBook. What are you waiting for Go check it out!
Click HERE

Dean Boukaras, CPT
Build the Body of Your Dreams, Online

Health/ Fitness & Weight Loss

Just Saying Thanks;

Hey, this is a very quick post. I just want to let everyone know that I appreciate them stopping by this site. If there is anything you want me to discuss or post email me; []
I'll be sure to post as much relevant information dealing on the subject of health/ fitness and weight loss...

Don't forget to leave a comment! The more I know what people want for content, the better this site will become for all of us...

Posting Frequency;
I will continue to post frequently through the week! Eventually posting daily.

Again I want to Thank everyone who visits regularly to this Blog.

In the mean time you can download some free ebooks, that relate to health, fitness and weight loss. My way of saying Thank You for stopping by!

Here are the links to download your free gifts;

Please note that it may take a few minuted to download the eBooks. So please be patient. It is well worth it!

Dean Boukaras, CPT

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Game of Health; Here Are The RULES! Part #2

Here is Part #2 ENJOY!

Take the first step in making a change. Even if it’s a small step, it still counts towards your overall achievement. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. It couldn’t have been said any better. Take that one step; make that decision to take control of your health.

In your past you may have not been successful with a weight loss program or any type of fitness program. Well there might be a few reasons for this. One might be the lack of knowledge, or too much of it. It may have been that you didn’t stick long enough with the program. Or you were not seeing results in the first week, which is not a good enough excuse stopping any program. Some things take time to manifest, and require some more effort. The reality is that you need to look at what you did in the past and if it didn’t give you the results you were looking for don’t worry! This web site is geared towards helping you achieve your goals. I will personally help you if you have any questions through my email.

As a child you never gave up on trying to walk. If you did you would still be crawling right now. Although your parents were there too motivate you through tough times and falling times, we too need to have someone there for us. That is why setting up a buddy program increases your chances with any program! I totally suggest finding a friend or even a personal trainer that can be there for you during the low times.

You need to give a program the time it deserves so you can see changes. We have been in the business of helping people achieve their goals and we charge big bucks for that service. We have a high success rate and the only time someone didn’t achieve their goals is because they were lying to themselves. They never did any of the recommendations in this program. The thing is you need to take the action, read through this web site and learn what we have to offer. We know this stuff works we teach it every day. This is our business. We have been helping people achieve they’re goals for many years now. Today is another day; your past results don’t dictate your future. Your present choices dictate your future. What you do today will affect your results for tomorrow, that’s why you need to get the right help right away.

Now don’t get me wrong being persistent is the key and we need to be motivated to take the initial steps for action. Unfortunately motivation can only last so long, it’s perfect to get you up and doing the things you need to get started but in most cases it wears out completely. That is why reprogramming the brain for success is very important. We need to tap into the sub conscious mind and remove negative blocks that affect our results and sabotage us!

The choices we make affect us in the long run, and so do the things we see. Sometimes we have a limited view on the things we see. We need to be more aware and at the same time cautious of what comes into contact with our minds. It is so easy to get distracted from our goals when there are thousands of messages, ads, newspapers, people’s opinions, affecting our thoughts. We may be living other people’s lives without even knowing it. We may be doing what they want instead of what we want. You may have a spouse question your actions and the fact that you are trying to make a change in your life. People without intention in most cases will try to keep you down or at least at their level because they don’t want to change. So if you change that means they have to! Most people think change is too hard and the most they can do is keep you at their level. I have to admit change can be challenging and it does take time to reprogram the mind. The trick is to stick with something. You need to devote yourself to something in order to get a result. If you keep changing your mind you will almost never get a result. If at first you say yes, then you say no, you have cancelled your ideas entirely. Stick with a decision!

If your going to play the game of health, know the rules, keep score. Know your goals and if you are getting closer to them. Have fun and enjoy the process of life and your actions toward a better body, and life. You will not only look better but you will feel better too. You will gain benefit from the inside out. Many people only think of health on the outside. On what the appearance of their bodies look like, but it’s deeper than that. The most important health is from the inside, having a healthy mind and body. This will ensure a greater life and longevity. People assume their late years are going to be full of illness, aches and pains. But it doesn’t have to be. If you take care of your body it will take care of you. Your body is like a car, if you don’t take care of it, it will surely break down. And so the body is the same, although the body is capable of doing tremendous things if you let it.

You need to play the game of life, and not get played by life. You need to take control of your action and your mind. Many people do things in their lives that don’t get them any results. You don’t need to work harder, you need to work smarter, and I know we all heard that one before. The fact is that we need to have the right information, but most importantly we need to take the right action too. Knowledge is power, up to a certain degree, but applied knowledge is the be all and end all to success. We offer the knowledge on this site; the only thing missing is applying this great information. Never wish that things were easier, wish that you were better. Wish that you were more capable of doing things with greater ease. I believe that we should always be improving; if we are not improving we are dying. We either grow, or perish! Now I know this might sound a little ruff, but it’s true our body cells die and regenerate almost all the time. We truly are amazing creatures and given the right tools we can achieve anything. I know this site is devoted to health and fitness but improving our selves is exactly what health and fitness is. It’s only normal to want more. We just need to know what we want and when we get it we need to be aware of that. Stop and enjoy our accomplishments, celebrate them. The more you keep on learning, the more you grow. What do you want to grow into, who do you want to become. What is the vision you have? Are you living the life you always dreamed of or are you living a life you never wanted?

Remember to read through this web site over a few times, you may have not seen something that was there before. Have you ever watched a movie the second time and noticed something different. Well that’s exactly how this works. So go over the web site, but I suggest you apply the things you learn.

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra.”

If you want to create a better body and even a better life you need to take full ownership of your life. Take the necessary steps to change your current situation by checking out Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle eBook!

Dean Boukaras, CPT
Build the Body of Your Dreams, Online

The Game of Health; Here Are The RULES! Part #1

Only you can make a difference in your life right now. If you want to create a better body and even a better life you need to take full ownership of your life. You need to take full responsibility for the things you want and need to do to achieve the body of your dreams. This web site is entirely intended to help you get in the best shape you ever though possible by empowering you through the information available on this web site.

Only you can change your life and take the necessary action, we’ll show you how! Look at your results right now, do you like what you see, are you happy with what you got. I only tell you to ask these questions because we need to know where we stand first, before we can make a change. I once heard if you don’t know you’re in a prison how will you know to escape. We need to identify if we are in prison in our own lives. This is probably the most important thing before we begin to make the changes that are necessary. What do you want to achieve? Do you wan to loose 5, 10 pounds of fat? Or maybe even 50 pounds. It’s all up to you. The thing is you need to know what you want. You have to be clear on your goal. If you don’t know where you are going, how will know when you get there. This is one of the best quotes I have heard. This is so true we need to know where we are going, sort of like a round trip. You would plan your route on a map and you would have an estimated time of arrival. Well this type of planning is exactly what needs to be done when planning for our lives. Planning for the success of our bodies! Only a few percent of the population actually take the time to set goals and plan their lives. More people spend more time planning their vacation than they do their lives. You know if you want something you can have it. Who’s stopping you? Really take a moment now and ask yourself who is stopping you; I think you know the answer to that question. Well now that you do, do you think you can come to terms and let your self be free from the limitations we put on ourselves. Many people put limitations on their lives before they even try anything. How do you know if you can’t do something if you haven’t done it? How do you know if you don’t like a particular food if you haven’t tasted it?

Limiting beliefs can affect everyone in their lives. You may think that your body is the way that it is and it won’t change. Or that you’re too old to get into shape or even go after a life long goal. The thoughts we think dominate our reality and our views of ourselves. We need to step back for a moment and find out what thoughts are getting in the way of our lives. We need to get out of our way and stop sabotaging the things we want. Really think of this; we could have, be, and do anything we want in our lives. Truly this is for real; the only reason why it might not be for you is because of your limiting beliefs. You may think that statement is a bunch of rubbish. Well in my eyes it’s not. And I know in many other successful people’s eyes this statement is true. Our self view or self worth of ourselves can get in the way of our lives. It can limit us from achieving the things we want out of life. If you look at your self as a failure chances are you’ll think like a failure. If you think of your self as a success you will draw in successes. At first it may sound hard to believe but it’s actually true. You draw in the thoughts that you think about. Your self image is your self actualization. What you are and what you look like depend on what you think of most of the time!

Make a promise to yourself to make a change in your life. Make that change right now. It’s only a decision a way. You must decide to change before you change.

I’ll keep posting relevant articles to this topic to further assist anyone who is interested.

If you want to create a better body and even a better life you need to take full ownership of your life. Take the necessary steps to change your current situation by checking out Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle eBook!

Dean Boukaras, CPT
Build the Body of Your Dreams, Online!

Monday, October 22, 2007

5 Tips To Getting Your Self Motivated 4 The Gym!

Before you can start any fitness program, the one thing you need before anything else is determination.If fitness is not a part of your regular lifestyle, or if you want to see some major changes in your body, the one emotion you'll need to access is the one called determination. You are determined to make sure there is food on the table for your family to eat aren't you? You are determined to get that oil change before some serious damage is done to your car, right? Be determined to take care of your own health and find reasons to motivate yourself to do so. The better reasons you can come up with, the more you will follow through with your fitness goals.

Here are 5 ways to keep your motivation (and determination) when you are working out:

1. "80% of success is just showing up" - Just be determined to go to the gym. Once you step foot inside that gym, 99.9% of the time you won't turn back. And once you step foot inside that gym you will have no excuses to do anything else for the next 30 - 60 minutes!

2. Fuel up - The biggest excuse when going to the gym is that you are too tired to go. Eat a high-energy fruit (like a banana) a few minutes before hitting the gym to fuel yourself. Kendra Kessel, an L.A-based personal trainer, says, "My secret is that I eat something to sustain me during the workout an hour before I train."

3. Get Psyched - "I always try to have a goal for each workout and write it down beforehand," says Santa Monica-based personal trainer Deena Russo. "Visualize how you want to look and your body will follow."

4. Take attendance - Cynthia Tran, a strength and conditioning coach in Fullerton, Calif., has found it helpful to think of workout out as a requirement instead of voluntary. "I tell myself it's like brushing your teeth or taking a shower," she says.

5. Find a buddy - Find a personal trainer or a workout partner with similar goals. Research shows that you will be 80% more likely to achieve your fitness goals if you are accountable to someone other than yourself. If you work out with a buddy, make sure you both understand the goals and risks involved, and always change your fitness programs every 4 weeks.

If you decide you Don't want to workout at a gym, learn how you can workout at home, using only your bodyweight. CLICK HERE to find out how thousands are transforming their bodies from home.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Diet Concepts: When & What To EAT

  • Right after you wake: fill your plate with high quality protein, slow digesting carbohydrates, and healthy fats ( refer to the list; 1.1).
  • Every 2.5-3 hours after Breakfast: waiting more than 4-5 hours between meals causes you’re your blood sugar to bottom out, leaving you weak, irritable and tired. The solution: frequent meals. Eating more often helps regulate blood sugar levels, protecting your muscles from being broken down and used as energy.
  • How to eat: Eat more protein rich foods because 30% of its calories are burned during digestion, compared with 8% of carbohydrates, and 2% of fats.


High-Quality Protein
Eggs and egg whites
Lean beef
Low-fat milk
Low-fat cheese
Plain, low-fat yogurt

Slow-digesting Carbohydrates
Green vegetables

Healthy Fats
Olive oils
Canola oil
Fish oil
Sunflower seeds

  • Consideration: Carbohydrates; the fast-digesting kind-breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, baked goods, and candy-raise blood sugar quickly. This signals your body to stop burning and start storing fat, and forces it to use the excess sugar for energy instead (this is okay though before, during and after you workouts when your body is far more equipped to handle fast digesting sugars). High-sugar carbohydrates aren’t always bad. In fact sometimes they’re the smartest foods you can eat. The secret is timing. When you consume these sugars is very important to your goals.
  • After you workout: Fast-digesting carbohydrates are more desirable than the slow-digesting type. That’s because an intense workout changes your body’s priorities. As sugar is absorbed into your blood stream, it’s preferentially shuttled to your muscles-instead of being used as fuel-and is stored there for later use. The kicker is that this forces your body to accelerate the rate at which it burns fat for energy.
  • When to consume simple carbohydrates: Immediately after you finish exercising, ideally this should be a liquid meal, which speeds up the absorption of protein and carbohydrates to your blood stream. 1 hour after the post-workout shake is ideal for eating a solid meal with fast absorbing carbohydrates. Even better, combine fast and slow-acting carbohydrates with protein by choosing a lean meat and a green vegetable to go along with pasta, rice, or a potato. Once you’ve eaten this meal all the meals here after should be from slow-digesting carbohydrates.
You learned what foods you should consume more of. Now learn what foods to avoid! Download your free copy of the "12 foods that make us fat"

Fight SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) with Fitness!

Quickly summed up SAD is considered to be a form of winter depression that affects approximately ½ million people. Winter is considered to be between the months of September up until April, but mainly SAD affects people the most in the months of Dec., Jan., and Feb. SAD is caused by the lack of sunlight we get in our shortened days through the winter months.

Symptoms may include:
-Sleep Problems
-Social Problems
-Loss of Libido
-Mood Changes
-Weakened Immune System (being more susceptible to colds and the flu)

Treatments range from medication to light therapy, to exercise. But I would definitely recommend giving exercise a try.

Research shows that exercise;
-Produces feel good chemicals, which promote the sense of well being
-Releases stress and tension in the muscles and in the body/mind creating a state of calmness
-Reduces stress hormones, relieving anxiety and agitation
-Reduces Anxiety and Depression
-Improves self-esteem
-Increases blood flow to the body and male/female organs
-Improves mood and energy levels

To me exercise sounds like the right prescription to SAD, as it shows to alleviate most if not all symptoms contributed by Seasonal Affective Disorder. Please talk to your doctor before starting any fitness program.

If you wan to learn how to start exercising or take your fitness to the next level visit

Dean Boukaras, CPT & Nutrition Expert
Build The Body of Your Dreams, Online!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Breaking Bad HABITS = )

Quote of the day"It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is mighty, but action with faith is mightier." - Thomas Robert Gaines

Hellooo Everyone :)

Even when we hit the gym on a consistent basis we all hit road bumps along the way. Usually these road bumps are caused by this thing we call a "habit". Here is a great article by one of the best personal trainers in the world Craig Ballantyne. Do yourself a favour and fill out the questionnaire he provides below. Writing things down has a great impact on your subconscious mind. If you write things down you will be 80% more effective at achieving your results. Enjoy!Breaking bad habits questionnaire by Craig Ballantyne CSCS. We all have bad habits. Mine are checking email too frequently, being unorganized, and not always eating enough to fuel full recovery from my workouts.Your bad habits might include too much snacking and cheating on your nutrition plan, coming up with excuses to skip exercise, or watching too much TV.Bad habits are the reason we need coaches. One of my coaches is Lee Milteer, who gave me the exercises below, that I want you to go through to help you break your bad habits. If you've been trying to lose fat and get lean by yourself, but with no luck, isn't it time to get professional help & social support?It's hard to change. I know it. I battle against my bad habits all the time, just like you do everyday. But each day I also make an effort to overcome the bad habits, just as you should have a plan in place to overcome your bad weight loss habits. Don't let insecurity, fear of failure, or the fear of the unknown hold you back from making changes. Don't be a victim. "Give yourself PERMISSION to change," Lee says. So let's take action. Print this out.

Now write down 3 excuses you are using to avoid making the changes you need to succeed. 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

How have these excuses affected your life? What have the excuses stopped you from achieving? Write down 3 very important things that you have missed out on because you've allowed yourself to make excuses.
2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Now how do you feel when you fall victim to one of your self-sabotaging excuses? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

What benefits do you get from the excuse? Is it simply that you get to remain in your comfort zone? That's a big one for me. If I can convince myself that I need to check my email, then I get to remain in my comfort zone and avoid the hard work and fear of failure that comes with writing an article. Or is it the fear of the unknown that is holding you back?

Write down 3 ways you benefit from making excuses.
1.____________________________ __________________________________
2.____________________________ __________________________________
3.____________________________ __________________________________

So now we both know why we've created our excuses - to avoid something. All we need to do now is find a way to overcome these bad habits. I want you to write down 3 behaviors you want to stop.
1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Now write down why you end up doing it...were you bored, fearful,lazy, etc. 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Now give yourself the permission to change. "Envision the rewards you will get when you make the change to your life and habits," Lee tells us. Give yourself a powerful list of reasons for fixing the habit.
2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________

Working on bad habits everyday will give you an incredible boost in self-esteem and confidence. With each small successful improvement you'll build confidence to take on the bigger, badder habits that are holding you back.Remember, everyday we are a work in progress. You might have bad days, but as long as you make overall improvement each week and month - that is all that matters. Lee also recommends charting your progress. I have said many times before that you need to keep records of your workouts and nutrition. Only then will you know what works and how much improvement you have made.And finally, get social support. Don't expect to do this alone. One research study from Stanford University concluded social support was the #1 factor for success in an exercise program. So get people around you who will support your cause and be as motivated as yourself to achieve your results! Did you take the time to fill out the questions? Do yourself a favour and write them down. You will be surprised at what you come up with in the end. Remember that taking small steps towards a bigger goal is faster than taking no steps at all. Have a great week everyone!

Put Your Excuses Aside & Try the Turbulence Training Program

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Fat Loss Trifecta. 3 Steps 2 Losing FAT!

The Fat Loss Trifecta
Successful Fat Loss comes down to the application of a trifecta:
Article by Alwyn Cosgrove

1) Create a caloric deficit from dieting.The research currently supports a low carbohydrate diet as being superior in terms of fat loss than an isocaloric diet of higher carbohydrate intake. This is perhaps due to an increase in protein intake (highly thermic) as well as a reduction in insulin levels allowing more fat to be burned. The research supports it -- but the evidence from our clients is overwhelming.

2) Burn more calories from the use of metabolically demanding exercise.Interval training in particular is a highly intense workout that burns a lot of calories while you are performing it. The added bonus is that through creating metabolic disturbance - the body continues to burn more calories at rest after the session.

3) Elevate metabolism by maintaining your lean muscle tissue -- and making it work. Muscle mass is one of the biggest determinants of resting metabolic rate. While science continues to investigate and debate exactly how many extra calories are burned per day by the addition of one pound of muscle -- what IS clear is that muscle is metabolically active -- more muscle = more calories burned. And what is indisputable is that muscular work - resistance training is very metabolically demanding, not only burning a ton of calories while you are performing the exercise - but it also contributes to raising metabolism.

The biggest single factor in success in fat loss programming, in my opinion, is the effective understanding of EPOC. This is the 'excess post-exercise oxygen consumption' and represents the oxygen consumption above resting level that the body is utilizing to return itself to its pre-exercise state. In other words -- it's not just the calories burned during training that count -- it's also the "extra" calories burned in the post exercise period (up to 48 hours in some examples) that REALLY make the difference. Any program that is at all effective has to work through one or more of the above factors in order for fat loss to be created. It's an easy way to evaluate whether a program will work or not - does it have a nutrition component? - does it include resistance training? - does it include energy system work? - will it elevate metabolism?

That was a great article.

If there was one thing that I could add to the equation it would be to have a good amount of sleep as well. 7-8 hours is what you want to be striving for if you want efficient fat loss. If your muscles don't get enough rest they won't grow and you won't burn as many calories.

Dean Boukaras CPT

What is the real key to losing weight?

Hey Everybody,

Here is an article from world renowned personal trainer Michael Boyle. Michael contributes regularly to Men's health magazine and he is one of many personal trainers that I look up to. Mike wrote an article that seems so simple at first to grasp but yet people often miss the boat on this one concept. Enjoy!

In one article. Right here. Right now.
By Michael Boyle

I think we've given everyone a bum steer. Nutritionists are always saying stuff like, "Eat five small meals a day" etc., etc. (I actually read an article once called Want to Lose Weight? Eat More.) The premise is that a lack of caloric intake will slow down the metabolism. I think all of this might be great advice for an athlete looking to lose weight. I also think it is great advice for a person serious about weight loss. For most everyone else trying to lose weight, it's probably a lot simpler. Eat less and you will not be so fat.There. I said it. I used the F word.I've been in line getting coffee and listened to these people order. Large iced coffee, extra milk, extra sugar. Sausage, egg, and cheese on a croissant. Are you kidding me? Once again, we have lapsed into societal political correctness. Don't tell anyone the truth. Don't hurt anyone's feelings. It's like pitching underhand. You do it for little kids. Adults need high fastballs -- right at the head. Here it is. High carb/low fat was a disaster. As I have often said, high carb/low fat was actually the prescription for turning juvenile onset diabetes into type 2 diabetes. Our nutrition solution gave an adult disease to kids and we simply reacted by changing the name. The real key to weight loss and probably to health in general is caloric restriction. If someone wanted to lose a lot of weight, I think I might actually tell them to try to starve themselves. Why, when I know it goes against everything we have been taught? Because so few people could actually do it. Dieting is hard work. Dieting and lifestyle change is all about will power and deprivation. I'd love to be five pounds lighter. Truth is I can't do it because I am not willing to make the sacrifice. I eat 3-5 small meals a day. I increase my protein but, the next step is the hard step. Really buckling down. Giving up dessert. Giving up alcohol. Weight loss is not as much about nutritional knowledge as it is about willpower. I'll give you a simple plan.Eat five times a day. Ideally every three hours. Don't eat five small meals a day. When people think meal, they think meal. Stop using the word meal. We are talking about taking in calories five times a day -- but not five meals. It's more like five high-protein snacks a day. Each "feeding" can be as little as a protein shake or a protein bar. Ideally, whole foods are better, but have you ever tried to get good quality vegetables or proteins at 7-Eleven? When in doubt, a high-protein bar is a good place to start. Nuts or beef jerky work also. Another note. Don't worry about eating too much protein; it's actually extremely hard to do without carrying around cans of tuna. That's another old wives tale. Try eating 200 grams of protein a day. It's like having a second job. Remember: forget meals, think feedings

Michael Boyle
If you are looking for healthy weight loss try this calculation: Your body weight x 12 = your total calories you should be taking in. Now you would subtract either 500 calories or 20% of your total caloric intake. Let's use mine as an example:

If I want to lose weight:

185 lbs X 12 = 2220 calories per day

2220 - 500 = 1720 calories
2220 - 20% (444 calories) = 1776 calories

Either number would be quite fine to go by if I want to lose weight.

Now say we have a 140 pound female who wants to lose weight:

140 X 12 = 1680 calories

1680 - 500 = 1180 calories
1680 - 20% (336) = 1344 calories

In this case I would choose to minus 20% instead of 500 calories because 1344 calories is a lot easier to maintain (and keep sane) than taking in only 1180 calories. Try it for yourself and see which number makes sense to you.

Regardless of numbers the one key to losing weight is to generally eat less. It's called the law of thermodynamics but what it really should be called is plain common sense.

Have a great week everybody! If you want to learn more click here

Setting The Record Straight: Fitness After Pregnancy?

Quote of the week:

"It is hard [when you] fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed" - Theodore Rosevelt

Hey Everybody!

Today's newsletter is strictly for the women but men can also take advantage of this information if their significant other is expecting. A lot of times women want to immediately resume their level of activity in the gym right after pregnancy. It is recommended by doctors to give yourself a 6-8 week period after pregnancy until you resume or start a fitness program. Remember to always look for clearance from a doctor before starting a fitness program.

Here is your guide to working out post pregnancy:

After six weeks ....

After you've been given the all-clear at your six/eight-week check, you can start regular structured exercise - even if you've never exercised before. If you're still bleeding, though, take it easy and don't start swimming until it has stopped completely.

Getting a flat tummy

Your fitness priority may be getting back your pre-pregnancy stomach, but before you start on the ab crunches you should see a midwife or your doctor to see whether you have separation of the rectus abdominal muscles. This occurs in the majority of pregnant women. If you have a gap of more than two fingers' width, stick to modified abdominal exercises as in pregnancy and avoid sit-ups and oblique exercises. Work on strengthening the deep abdominal or lower abdominal muscles (transversus). Ask a fitness professional for advice on how to do this.

Things to take into account before starting exercise:

ó Always consult your doctor or midwife before starting physical activity.
ó Were you working out while pregnant? If so you may be able to start sooner
ó Pregnancy splits abdominal muscles down the middle. It is very important to make sure your muscles have fully recovered before doing any intense abdominal workouts. Lie on your back with your hand on your abdomen. Breath out and lift your head and shoulders off of the ground and clench your tummy. Feel for any gap between your abs and if not sure consult your doctor.
ó The hormone relaxin, which softens the ligaments in preparation for labour, is still present for up to five months after the birth so you may be more vulnerable to injury.
ó If you have backache or a sore perenium, take care when sitting and avoid high-impact exercises .

When exercising:

ó Wear a bra that offers the proper support.
ó Do not do any exercises that hurt your breasts.
ó Breastfeed the baby before working out.
ó Aim to exercise 3-4 days a week
ó If you feel lightheaded or breathless when working out stop immediately
ó Ligaments and joints will be softened up to 3 months prior birth so avoid any high impact exercises or sports that require change of direction (ex. High impact aerobics, sprinting or contact sports). Vigorous stretching should be avoided as well.
ó If you experience any change in colour in your post natal vaginal flow (lochia) you may be exercising too strenuously. See your doctor or midwife if this happens.

Remember to always consult a physician before attempting any exercise program especially after pregnancy. Have a great week everybody!

Post Work Out Nutrition & Why It's Important

"Albert Einstein"
Quote "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

After you work out what is the first thing you do when you step outside the gym? Do you take care of some errands? Take the kids to karate? The FIRST thing you should be doing in the first hour of your post workout routine is........EATING. Why is that? I will let personal trainer Mike Geary give you the lowdown on why and what you should be eating after your workouts.

The Truth about your post workout meals by: Mike Geary PTS;

I'm sure you've heard before that your post-workout meal is actually your most important meal of the day (aside from breakfast). I'd have to agree with that for the most part because refueling your body with the right combination of nutrients is SOOOOO vastly important to repairing your muscles from the breakdown of a workout, and keeping your metabolism sky high.From the research about post-workout meals:"A recent 12-week study says that those who failed to consume a post workout meal immediately after their workouts suffered a lower metabolism, loss of fat free mass, and had clear indications of muscle loss - while their counterparts (those who consumed a post workout recovery meal) significantly lost more fat,increased lean muscle, improved their metabolism, and increased dynamic strength."I've noticed that many people are confused as to what actually makes a good post-workout meal.

A couple common questions about post workout meals:

1. Aren't post-workout meals just important for building muscle? Do they matter at all if my goal is fat loss?

2.Is it best to use one of the fancy post-workout drinks or shakes that you see in the magazines or is a whole food meal better? What's the best combination of carbs to protein to fat in a good post workout meal?

3. How quickly after a workout is best to consume my post workout meal?


1. Post-workout meals are important for BOTH muscle building and fat loss! Always remember that one of the most important aspects of long term fat loss and maintaining a lean body for life is raising your overall metabolic rate by building and maintaining adequate lean muscle mass throughout your body.By consuming a proper post workout meal after every workout, you assist your body in repairing and building lean muscle throughout your body. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate... hence, you lose fat easier,and it is MUCH easier to stay lean long term.

2. Whole foods or supplement shakes? This can be done either way, but I'm going to show you some guidelines why some post-workout shakes are better than others and some whole foods are better than others. Either way, you can make it work.First, keep in mind that your goal throughout the majority of each day is eating small whole food meals frequently that digest slowly with high fiber and a controlled glycemic response (blood sugar). These normal daily meals should also contain healthy fats and slowly digested proteins to keep a steady supply of amino acids.Well, when it comes to post-workout meals, you can almost use the exact opposite strategy of your normal meals. With post-workout meals, you actually want a faster digesting carbohydrate source to elicit an insulin response, which surges nutrients and glycogen back into your muscles for repair. So while I always preach high fiber for most of your meals, with post-workout,you actually want low fiber, high GI carbs, and quickly digesting proteins as well for muscle repair.Another aspect to keep in mind... while I always preach healthy fats at most of your meals... with the post workout meal, you actually want almost all carbs and protein, and very little fat if any. Fat just slows the absorption and glycemic response which is not what you want with the post-workout meal.What about ratios of carbs and protein?I've reviewed dozens and dozens of studies on this subject and it always seems to come back to a ratio of approximately 2 to 1 carbs to protein. This seems to be the optimal combination to maximize muscle repair to boost that metabolism for long term fat loss.I usually make my post-workout shakes using a frozen banana, whey protein,water, and some real maple syrup and aim for about a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

3. How quickly should you eat (or drink) your post-workout meal? As soon as you can after your workout (the sooner the better)! Studies show that the sooner you consume your post workout meal following your intense workout, the better your muscle recovery will be, and a higher percentage of the carbs ingested will be used for muscle glycogen replenishment instead of other uses.The first thing I do when I get back from the gym is make my post workout shake, and this is about 10 min after finishing my workout.Make your post workout meal a staple in your workouts and you will have energy, stay lean and burn fat all at the same time! Have a great week everybody!

Learn more about this here

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 Tips On How To Find The RIGHT Personal Trainer


"I will do this" is the only attitude that works. "I'll try" or "I think" doesn't work." - David Kekich

A lot of people in my newsletter have either tried a personal trainer or have thought of hiring a personal trainer in the past. Personal trainers are the professionals of the weight loss industry. It's funny in a way that when you need someone to handle your legal affairs you hire a Lawyer. If you need someone to fix your car you hire a mechanic. But when people think about losing weight they go through a myriad of choices include fad dieting, weight loss products, plastic surgery etc...

The problem with those options is that they are only short term solutions. You will probably see weight loss in the short term but be extremely frustrated when you gain back the weight AND THEN SOME. All of those above solutions do not tackle the real problem which is our North American lifestyles.

Here is a solution to your weight loss problem: HIRE A PERSONAL TRAINER

Personal trainers change your lifestyle to one that supports healthy eating, exercise and stress relief. What you are getting with a personal trainer is achieving long term fitness results and keeping it that way.

Here are 5 tips on how to select the RIGHT personal trainer:


The personal training industry has a 90% turnover rate. A lot of people think they can do the job but only a few actually stick around. You want to be with someone who has a proven track record to get you to where you want to be. Check their references through testimonials and past clientele. If they were referred to you then it's EVEN BETTER.

2. Make sure they are certified!

Why is this #2? It should be the #1 shouldn't it? Let's be real now, almost anyone can get a certification and those that don't just can't cut it. A certification is just a way of telling whether or not this trainer is competent enough to know his/her basic anatomy and exercise physiology. You need to check if your trainer is certified and IF they have other certifications. It does not automatically make them the best but you at least weed out contenders from the pretenders.

3. How is their fitness level?

Looks are not everything but they are a good indicator when choosing the right trainer. Would you be motivated by a trainer who is overweight and soft? I didn't think so.

4. Personality is a PLUS

When I train with my clients it is not just about helping them achieve their goals. I have fun with them and sometimes it does not seem like we are training at all. You want a trainer with a personality that suits yours. I'm not saying that they should be best friends but laughing every once in awhile never hurt anyone. Be with someone you feel comfortable with and you will reap the benefits.

5. Health and Fitness MUST be their choice of career.

Not every good trainer will be a trainer for life. But I have always found that the best, most knowledgeable and the ones that probably have the most fun at training are those that make health and fitness a career. They are just more serious about the job then someone who is doing it part time to "make a little extra cash".

If you have ever wanted to try personal trainer HIRE one for a session and see the difference. You will achieve your results 80% faster and come away with knowledge that could quite possibly last you a lifetime.

If you are considering a Personal Trainer stop by HERE first

The 6 BEST Ways 2 A Beach Body!

1. Clean up your refrigerator! The first step to getting that body is to clean up your fridge and go on a structured nutrition plan. Make sure you are stocking up on the lean meats (chicken and fish), and don't eat any carbs past 3pm.

2. Circuit training! Assuming you're hitting the gym already (if you're not, then start... NOW), you have to jump-start your quest for a six pack by doing full body circuit training at least 2-3 times a week. Circuit training is THE BEST way to boost your metabolism and burn that fat even while you are sleeping.

3. Cut out the 30 minute/1 hour cardio sessions and start Interval Training. It has been proven time and time again that Intervals are far superior to long term cardio. The latest research from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, has shown that an 8-week cardio program (3 sessions per week of 40 minutes per session) did not result in any fat loss! On the other hand, the interval training group (3 session, 20 minutes per session) in the same study lost several pounds.

4. Change your mindset! Change the way you talk to yourself on a daily basis. A lot of times you will say such things as "I can't" or "I won't " or " It's impossible." You must take these types of negative statements out of your thoughts and vocabulary. Once you think you can or can't do something, you are essentially creating a one-track mind; you are basically telling your mind to tell your body what it can or can't do. Your body will follow what your mind tells it - Your results start in your mind before you see them on your body.

5. Get proper rest. I've been preaching in all of my newsletters to get your butt in gear and hit the gym. So what happens when you actually start to make it a habit? Make sure you get the proper rest. The only way your muscles will develop and burn fat properly is to rest them. Your abs, chest, back, quads etc. all need a minimum of 48 hours to rest and recover. If you do not give your muscles the proper rest, then you are actually doing your body more harm than good.

6. Get a Personal Trainer! I am not blatantly advertising my services, you don't even need to train with me. But it is proven that you will achieve your results 80% faster with a trainer than just training by yourself. You get motivation, a nutrition plan, a tried-and-tested training program - and it's just plain FUN. Do yourself a favour and try JUST ONE session with a trainer. You will come out thoroughly impressed. My next newsletter will actually touch upon how to FIND the right trainer. Stay tuned.

Take these 6 tips and you will be on the fast track to getting that beach-ready body. When training, be safe and listen to your body.

Dan Go
Go Fitness. Toronto

Check out the link below if you really want a beach body in the new year!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Short Circuit

Hey Everyone, seeing how we all lead busy lives, I've decided to do something a little special for this tip. The biggest excuses I hear from people when I talk to them about being active is that they either don't have the time or the necessary equipment to work out. It's funny how people have 2-3 hours in their day to watch the news, their favourite television show etc, but they can't even invest 30 minutes to take care of the person that matters the most... THEMSELVES! So what I plan to do is give you all an easy yet effective workout that you can do at home or on the road. The best part about it is that it only takes 20 minutes and the only piece of equipment you need is your own body weight! You do have twenty minutes, right? You do have a body, right? Throw those excuses out of the window now and use this mini-circuit to your advantage.

For those who are already active, this circuit is best to do when you are travelling. When I went to Mexico, this was the exact circuit I used to maintain my level of fitness. So without further ado here it is!

To do a body weight circuit:
a) Pick 3 upper body exercises
) Pick 3 lower body exercises
) Alternate between lower and upper body exercises without rest until you have done all 6 exercises
d) Rest one minute
e) Repeat 2-3 more times until you have done 20 minutes

** Please check with a doctor before starting any work out program**

For more workout ideas you can download a free ebook here


On to this weeks tip... I have been preaching about the benefits of water briefly throughout this fitness journal. Everyone knows it's good for burning fat - but why? What other reasons do you need to know that water has to be a part of your daily nutritional lifestyle? And no - juice, soda, alcohol and coffee/tea do not count as water! I see a lot of people counting those drinks as part of their daily intake of water, but what they really do is increase your sugar (and calorie) consumption and DEHYDRATE you. And to be clear, dehydration does the opposite of what water does, which is hydrate your body. Keep in mind that your body is made up of 80% water and most of the Canadian population is severely dehydrating themselves due to their westernized way of living. So, beyond the obvious reasons, why should you be drinking water? Here's why:
1. Water is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our bodies.
2. Water is the substance of life. Life can not exist without water. We must constantly be adding fresh water to our body in order to keep it properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. We can go for weeks without food, but only 3 days without water!
3. Water is essential for proper circulation in the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the body is well-hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available, the more fat it will burn to use for energy. Without the presence of oxygen, the body cannot properly use your body's stored fat for energy. Not only will the body burn more fat when well-hydrated but because there are increased oxygen levels you will also have more energy.
4. Water helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat . Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.
5. Dehydration can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months when it is hot. The dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the body even quicker than when it is hot. When you are dehydrated you tend to eat more. The rule of thumb when drinking water is to drink your own bodyweight divided by 2 in ounces.

For example, my bodyweight is 180 pounds so my daily intake of water should be at least 90 oz. What is your daily intake? Have you been drinking enough water? If not make the changes now. A good way to drink more water is to just replace all of your juices and sodas with H2O.

Dan Go
Go Fitness. Toronto


Hello Everyone! Are you looking for a great source of protein? Are you looking for a food that can provide a good variation to your boring day-to-day meals while delivering essential vitamins and minerals to your body? If you said yes to both of these questions then fish is your answer.

Why should I eat more FISH???

  • 1. Fish are high in proteinProtein turns your fat into hard muscle. Fish generally contains higher amounts of protein compared to other meats such as beef and pork. A post-workout meal containing fish would deliver the bestprotein punch for your dollar.

  • 2. Fish are low in fat and caloriesAlmost all fish (with the exception of salmon and mackerel) are virtually fat free! Of course it does depend on the way you cook it: deep fried is obviously not the way to go - You should bake, steamand maybe even pan fry your fish to benefit most from this food.

  • 3. Fish contain Omega 3 fatty acidsFish are a great source for Omega 3 fatty acids, which keep your heart healthy by lowering triglycerides and reduce the risk of sudden death. They also promote healthy brain function and are particularly good for pregnant women as they aid eye and brain development of the fetus. Now, there has been a lot of controversy regarding the mercury levelsof fish. This is because fish come from bodies of water that contain both natural and unnatural contaminants. Toxicity from fish is very rare. However, you do need to be aware that consuming abnormally large doses of fish can put you at risk. The USDA recommends pregnant women and children in particular be very careful about fish servings, paying special concern to those highest in mercury.

Fish varieties with highest mercury levels:
Fresh Tuna,Swordfish,Shark,Tilefish,King Mackerel- These fish varieties should be kept to about one serving, once a week.

Fish varieties with lower mercury levels:
Salmon,Trout,Flounder,Haddock,Catfish,Shrimp- These fish varieties can be eaten on a daily basis, if desired.

Add fish into your current meal planning and you will not only taste thedifference, but also see the difference in your own body. Eat it on a regular basis and you just might find yourself hooked!

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Debt Energy VS. Surplus Energy

Remember food is like a bank account the more better foods you eat the more money or energy you will have, the more bad foods you eat the more debt you create, but the debt is in the form of energy deficit. Your body craves foods that are alive. So when you don’t eat well you are depriving your body of real energy. That’s why so many people turn to stimulants such as coffee, drugs and alcohol. And of course the saying goes everything is good for you but in moderation, sure that can be true but not in all cases. Overall the many peoples body's are starving and they don’t even know it, many people have become numb and have no idea there body is trying to show them signs that things aren't all that well. Therefor we need to educate ourselves on the right food choices that give us life not rob us from it.

Check out Tom Venuto's website;

Your Self-Worth Equals Your Weight-Worth

Now think of this, if you look in the mirror and look at yourself as being fat you will carry this image of you no matter what. On the other hand if you are overweight and you look in the mirror and see someone who is skinny this to can be conflicting. The idea is to be honest with your self first. To identify with what position you are in. If you are overweight and are aware of this and you are not happy, then loosing weight would be the idea. First recognize where you are and then know where you want to go. I would assume you would want to loose weight if you are not happy with being overweight. So now that we have come to terms with ourselves we have to change of habits and our beliefs about ourselves. You need to create an awareness of the things you don’t know. This may be in the foods to eat, the exercise to do, the cardio routines you may implement, or just overall information on how to get in shape and be more healthy.

We need to gather information and the best source is from a professional who has worked with people like you. Its best to get it from the source and then you won’t need to waste weeks and even months gathering information about what it is you are learning. An expert will show you and make you understand all there is to know. It is especially important to work with someone who is a great coach and is aware of how to change people’s beliefs and negative thoughts. Really the only person who is going to change your thoughts is you but to become aware of the thoughts you have will be more so identified by your expert…

Shopping @ the Supermarket

Experts tell us not to go shopping on an empty stomach. The reason for this is because we are more likely to buy items that we really don't need, such as junk food. We are in a much more weaker state of mind when we are hungry and we can make poor decisions in this time. Avoid the isles that are in the center and do most of your shopping on the outside of the perameter. Most of the junk food isles can be found within the isles. Avoid foods that have been proceesed; such as canned, boxed, and bottled items; (there are some exceptions to the rule). Choose foods that are in their most original form as mother nature intend it to be, not foods that have been altered by food companies or by GMO's. Choosing more nutritious whole foods will have a positive effect on our health and even our body weight!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Calorie is NOT a Calorie

People may think that all calories are equal, but they are not. A calorie from a chocolate bar will react differently in your body than lets say a protein source like chicken breast. We metabolise all foods differently, some being more metabolic than others. If we were on a restricted diet of 1500 cals., but we decided to only eat a combo at McDonald's, then in most cases we would have met are quota of 1500 cals in one sitting. But that would not be the goal. You would want to eat a much cleaner selection of food threw out. We could easily break down 1500 cals into smaller meals that can average 300-400 cals. This would give you between 4-5 meals for the day. This will have a much better effect on your metabolism, and mostly your blood sugars. Eating throughout the day will give you energy and help your body become more metabolic. Meaning you'll become more effecient in burning fat as a source of energy.

Please note that this is the very first post. I promise I will have more to say...
