Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fight SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) with Fitness!

Quickly summed up SAD is considered to be a form of winter depression that affects approximately ½ million people. Winter is considered to be between the months of September up until April, but mainly SAD affects people the most in the months of Dec., Jan., and Feb. SAD is caused by the lack of sunlight we get in our shortened days through the winter months.

Symptoms may include:
-Sleep Problems
-Social Problems
-Loss of Libido
-Mood Changes
-Weakened Immune System (being more susceptible to colds and the flu)

Treatments range from medication to light therapy, to exercise. But I would definitely recommend giving exercise a try.

Research shows that exercise;
-Produces feel good chemicals, which promote the sense of well being
-Releases stress and tension in the muscles and in the body/mind creating a state of calmness
-Reduces stress hormones, relieving anxiety and agitation
-Reduces Anxiety and Depression
-Improves self-esteem
-Increases blood flow to the body and male/female organs
-Improves mood and energy levels

To me exercise sounds like the right prescription to SAD, as it shows to alleviate most if not all symptoms contributed by Seasonal Affective Disorder. Please talk to your doctor before starting any fitness program.

If you wan to learn how to start exercising or take your fitness to the next level visit

Dean Boukaras, CPT & Nutrition Expert
Build The Body of Your Dreams, Online!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You obviously don't have SAD. Exercise works for the immediate high of having worked out, but in no way helps daily SAD episodes for me. Light therapy seems to be the only thing that helps once your done with it. At least for me
