Wednesday, January 16, 2008

3 Reasons For Your Weight Gain

Reason #1

You think that not eating will make you lose weight

Not eating is what will get you fat in the first place. This drastically slows your metabolism and puts your body into hibernation. Your body is designed to protect you and it will do anything to keep you alive. In this case it's keeping you alive from you staving yourself by storing fat and slowing your metabolism. The basic trick is to start eating. You can start by eating a few portions a day. A portion serving size can be measured by a closed fist. Be sure to include lean protein sources, complex carbohydrates, and essential healthy fats!

Reason #2

You try to lose weight with the newest fad diet

Fad diets are designed to make you lose weight almost drastically. The real method to losing weight is long term. About 1-3 pounds of fat loss is ideal. The overall goal is to implement healthy life style choices rather than dieting.

Reason #3

Your metabolism is too slow

Why your metabolism is Slow!

  • You don't eat
  • You skip breakfast
  • You don't eat the right foods
  • You eat one big meal before you go to bed
  • You don't move around
  • Your thyroid may be sluggish
  • You're toxic
  • You're too stressed out
  • You don't get enough sleep

You can increase your metabolism by just doing the opposite listed above. With some exceptions of course. Review my other articles on weight loss to further assist you!

What foods make us Fat?

There are plenty of foods that make us fat, but they can be easily put into category.

For instance anything that can be bought at the convenience store is most likely packed with sugars, artificial sweeteners, and is highly processed. So I would stay away from anything that is created for convenience. Avoid foods that are refined, and processed. Foods like white rice, white bread, pretty much anything white. Switch to alternatives like whole wheat bread, and brown rice. The obvious fast food chains make us fat too, and don't be fooled with their salads because the dressing can send that into a high calorie meal. The main objective is to avoid highly processed foods, which are loaded with simple sugar. Therefore you should acquaint your self with whole foods that haven't been modified, processed or contaminated with pesticides. In this case anything that Mother Nature makes, not what science makes!

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. I truly want to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth.

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