Thursday, June 19, 2008

How To Lose 6 Pounds of Stomach Fat in 11 Days With This Weight Loss Plan

How To Lose 6 Pounds of Stomach Fat in 11 Days With This Weight Loss Plan

by Nicole Brown

People who are overweight tend to think it's impossible to lose the weight they gained. Anything is possible and the proof is all around us. The only reason why it seems impossible is because there is too much contradicting weight loss advice. On one end experts are talking "low carb dieting" and on the other end "high protein dieting". Well there are defiantly not only 2 diets in the world; more like a few thousand. So who do you listen too? Listen to those who have a reputation in the weight loss industry.

"Someone wanting to uphold a positive reputation won't risk it on bad advice".

How do you lose 6 pounds in 11 days!?

In order to achieve something you need to know what it is. In this case you may want to lose 6 pounds of stomach fat in 11 days, but you might want to lose more in the long run. Knowing this we need to put a plan into action so you can begin to achieve weight loss. Losing weight becomes more of a lifestyle rather than just a 11 day commitment. Losing weight begins with a decision. You need to be ready to lose weight and you need to know why you want to lose the weight. The "why" needs to be powerful enough to keep you from giving up to soon! Your why you want to lose weight might sound something like this; I want to lose weight because I know how much better I will look and feel. I know that losing weight will help improve my overall appearance and internal health.

Setting realistic weight loss goals;

Most people don't know how to goal set, and aim for goals that are too unrealistic. Don't get me wrong loosing 6 pounds in 11 days is very possible, but only if you have a lot of weight to lose. If you only have 5 more pounds too lose its quite unlikely you can do it in 11 days. In this case aim for sound moderate goals. Here is an example of an unrealistic short term goal (short term goal 4-12 weeks); lets say you are 40 pounds overweight and you want to lose that weight in less than a month I would agree this goal is too unrealistic and unattainable, but if you said you want to lose that weight in 12 weeks than it would make more sense. If you haven't set goals before try setting ones that you know you can easily achieve and then work your way up!

Weight loss is all about knowledge. You need to know how to do it. You need to follow a plan that can show you how to do it; one that has been proven to work for many people. Click HERE to discover how many people have lost an average of more than 6 pounds of fat in 11 days!!!

About the Author

Nicole Brown is in the business of making people thin. She exposes the truth and reveals the 10 rules you must know if you ever want to lose weight and keep it off forever...Learn the 10 rules to weight loss by clicking here and begin losing weight immediately!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How To Get 6 Pack Abs - Are "YOU" Making these Mistakes?

How To Get 6 Pack Abs - Are "YOU" Making these Mistakes?

Here's the question everyone is asking just in time for the summer. How do I get 6 pack abs? Well it's actually not that hard. It just takes some know how and the will to apply the information.

This is a very popular question among men and women and what you're about to learn applies to both. There really is no different formula for different gender.

The majority of people go about getting in shape the wrong way. In fact studies show that 1 in 2 people have purchased fat burners in order to lose fat on their mid section. If fat burners where the answer than many people would be satisfied with the results. When was the last time the fat burner gave you abs? In fact the bottle states you need to eat a well balanced diet and exercise frequently in order to see results.

All you need to do is follow the advice on the bottle without popping the pills and you will see results. The thing is no one wants to do either. They just want to take the pill and forget about the responsibilities that come along with looking great and achieving 6 pack abs.

Many people are fed the wrong information and are told that sit ups are the only way you are going to see your mid section. This is slightly true, and only a fraction of the equation. What you need to know is that diet, exercise and the right type of cardio is the only way you are going to see you 6 pack abs. Many professionals state that "abs are made in the kitchen". This emphasizes the point that diet is very important.

How are you going to see your abs if there is a layer of fat hiding them? You're not, even if you do thousands of crunches a day. You need to lose the fat first, in order to see what's underneath.

Visit to learn the 5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Download a Free e-Report just for visiting; Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body (a $17.95 value), with loads and loads of lean-body tips you can start to use right away for finally losing your stubborn stomach fat!

About the Author

This one program is guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life; visit it by Clicking HERE

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat - Lose Belly Fat For Good

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat by Crystal Clark

Each and everyday people are trying to lose stubborn belly fat. And there is a good reason because most of North America is considered overweight. Why? Well it has a lot to do with the foods we eat and the lifestyle we live.

Whether you have gained stubborn belly fat through poor diet, lack of exercise, holiday eating, or over eating, I'm going to teach you some simple tips that will help you lose your stubborn belly fat.

Losing weight around your mid section is very doable. The reason it might seem out of reach is due to the bombardment of information overload. There is simply too much information available online and off line that can seem very contradicting when it comes to weight loss. As I stated earlier the basics for losing stubborn belly fat have a lot to do with dieting, eating the right foods, and exercising. Although not everyone needs to exercise to lose weight but it does speed up the process quite nicely.

Most people think that abdominal workouts are necessary to lose your mid section but this is far from the truth. You can do thousands of crunches but without the right nutrition, you are unlikely going to see your stubborn belly fat melt away. Carrying around stubborn belly fat doesn't only look bad, it's also very unhealthy. People that have excess stomach weight are more likely to have general health problems. Although this article is focused on how to lose stubborn belly fat its still worth mentioning.

With any diet or workout plan it should accommodate you. In other words you should be able to stick with it and it should be geared around your life style. Lets face we are all busy, but we need to prioritize what's important to us.

Here's what you do to lose your stubborn belly fat;

Lower Your Sugar, Sodium & Unprocessed Food Consumption;

First and foremost you need to lower you sugar intake, lower your sodium intake and remove fast food from your diet. You need to introduce foods that are healthy, known as whole foods. These foods are not processed which is a culprit to poor health and weight gain. Eating sugary foods activates your insulin which makes you store more fat rather than burn it. Theses sugars can be found in sodas, ice creams, fast foods, and many unprocessed foods.

Switch your simple sugars with complex sugar. Complex sugars are known to break down slower and they do not activate your insulin production as much. What this means is that you will be utilizing the fat stores in your body as fuel, which can lead to weight loss.

Good examples of Complex Carbohydrates are;

Bran, Wheat Germ, Barley, Maize, Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Pasta, Brown rice, Potatoes, Other root vegetables, Brown Bread, Wholegrain Cereals, High fiber breakfast cereals, Yams, Oatcakes, Peas, Beans, Lentils.

Most complex carbohydrates are high in fiber, and are beneficial for colon health. Most people have sluggish digestive systems which make you feel bloated and full. This also makes your stomach look more pushed out, appearing like you have a big belly. Fiber will help with this as it will make you more regular.

Increase Your Feeding Frequency;

Meal frequency is very important. If you tend to skip meals you need to consider eating mini meals, or portioned meals through out the day. Five to six small meals a day every two to three hours is ideal. Most people freak when they hear they have to eat more to lose weight. This concept simply does not make sense to many people. The theory behind this is that it helps keep your metabolism elevated which is responsible for burning fat. It also keeps your energy levels up and reduces the likeliness for you to reach for a quick sugary fix.

These meals should include lean sources of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Include these Macronutrients to every meal you consume.

Drink more water;

If you don't drink water at all, it is very important that you start. Water is responsible for most of our internal organs and functions. Without water we will die. Our body is made out of living cells and they require water to live and function optimally. Water is also good for kick starting your metabolism which is know for stimulating fat loss.

Add Cardiovascular Exercise;

Exercise isn't necessary for fat loss but you will surely lose weight in a shorter amount of time. If you decide you want to start working out, than you can even start with walking. Walk for 20 minutes a day, ideally you want to walk for 60 minutes as this is know to help reset you metabolism if it is sluggish.

I hope now you know how to lose your stubborn belly fat. The above tips are sure fire ways that you will see your belly melt away.

Visit to learn the 5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat & Download a Free e-Report; Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body (a $17.95 value), with loads and loads of lean-body tips you can start to use right away for finally losing your stubborn belly fat!

About the Author

Crystal Clark has been teaching thousands of people "How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat"

The Truth About Fat Loss Pills - Fat Loss Pills Revealed! by Crystal Clark

The Truth About Fat Loss Pills - Fat Loss Pills Revealed!

Fat Loss Pills are dominating shelf space at your health food store. Why? Well because it's a quick fix and everyone is looking for a quick fix. Everyone wants something NOW, but unfortunately most fat loss pills do more harm than good. Not to mention the ingredients are very toxic and can effect you're over all health.

Fat loss pills don't help much and usually the consumer ends up wasting a lot of money to find out the hard way. People usually burn more money than fat.

Here's Why???

Most of the products available on the market are driven by profits. The fat loss industry is a billion dollar industry, which means it's a piece of the pie everyone wants in on. People and corporations are driven by profits. This said companies usually produce low quality products to capitalize on profit; the less money they put into a product the more they make on the final sale. Most of the ingredients come from China and India which are known to have the most toxins and poor quality ingredients. The reason why corporations buy from here is because it is very cheap.

What Does This Mean To YOU!

Well when you consume products of low grade you are risking your health. As mentioned most products are developed in 3rd world countries where there are no standards. This means any one can do anything and pretty much get away with it. Unfortunately most consumers are unaware of this and they pay for it by consuming toxic fat loss pills, in hopes to lose some weight. In this case you're losing your health!

Note: Don't get me wrong not all companies are corrupt and driven by profits. Unfortunately 99% of them are though!

Some companies lie about what they put into the products. I know this because I used to work for one of the major supplement companies, and that is why I left the industry. Haven't you noticed some fat loss pills getting banned from the market? Well it's because some of the ingredients that were not mentioned in the product resulted in injuring people or even killing them. I don't mean to tell you this to scare you but more to inform you!

Unfortunately most consumers don't care so much about their health and they will do anything to look good even if the fat loss pill has known to be toxic. We have been conditioned to go for the quick fix, but it won't work for you. You need to know that most of the supplements out there a B.S.

What I recommend if you want to lose weight is to learn how to lose weight. Instead of burning $60 on the average fat loss pill which you would buy every month, try investing in an e-book for under that price that shows you exactly how to lose weight safely and effectively while improving your overall health. You won't have to spend this amount every single month; it's a one time investment. The catch is that you have to apply yourself to the information. You need listen to people that know what they are talking about.

The e-book I recommend was created by Mike Geary who is certified in Nutrition and Personal Training. He has been helping people like I have; improve their overall health and physical appearance.

I've been in the weight loss industry and I have seen what works and what doesn't. The truth is No weight loss pill is going to help you lose weight. The only thing that will is the right knowledge. Do yourself a favor and stay away from toxic, deadly fat loss pills.

You can even download the e-Book right away at a trial fee of less than $5. Trust me this is the best investment you can ever make if you ever want to lose weight and be healthy!

About the Author

Crystal Clark has helped thousands of people lose weight without the unnecessary use of Fat Loss Pills. Stop taking "Toxic Fat Loss Pills" that are damaging to your health and Start a weight loss program that's guaranteed to help you lose weight and feel great!

Check out the web page here >>>

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Beware of Lemon Slices in Your Restaurant Drinks

Do you enjoy a wedge of lemon with your water or iced tea when you eat at a restaurant? Well, you’ll be shocked by what this video shows. Two out of every three restaurant lemon wedges tested in a study were covered in disease-causing bacteria -- including fecal bacteria. A total of 25 different, and potentially dangerous, microorganisms were discovered on the wedges.


Should you now boycott all restaurant lemon wedges, because sooner or later you will get one that will make you sick?

Well, if you have a compromised immune system, are elderly, or are referring to a small child, perhaps. These are the people who are most likely to become sick from rogue bacteria.

For most of you, however, particularly if you’ve been following basic health principles, your immune system can more than handle the bacteria found on a contaminated lemon rind.

If it couldn’t, we’d all be in trouble, considering that over 65 percent of colds, 50 percent of all cases of diarrhea and 50 percent to 80 percent of food-borne illnesses are caught not in restaurants but in your own homes.

So while the idea of strange fecal bacteria coating your restaurant lemon wedge is disgusting, and certainly not hygienic, your own kitchen is probably home to some of it as well. Studies have actually shown that there could be up to 200 times more fecal bacteria on your kitchen cutting board than on your toilet seat.

The sponge that you use to wash your dishes is another one that is commonly loaded with disease-causing bacteria, as are computer keyboards, desks, phone receivers and shopping cart handles.

And did I mention that one of the “riskiest” ways to get an infection is by simply shaking hands with someone? It’s true. So unless you plan to shun not only lemon wedges but also your kitchen, dish washing sponges, computer keyboard, grocery shopping and handshakes, I’d suggest following these simple tips to keep your immune system up to par:

* Get a good night’s sleep
* Minimize stress in your life
* Exercise regularly and effectively
* Get enough sun exposure or, alternatively, enough of the right vitamin D (if you live in a cold environment where you can't stay out in the sun)
* Avoid sugar and grains, and instead eat plenty of raw foods
* Take a high-quality probiotic (good bacteria)


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Non-Stick Cookware Continues to Prove Its Toxicity

More evidence has emerged regarding the dangers of Perflurooctanoic Acid (PFOA), which is used in the production of non-stick cookware and stain-resistant snack food packaging. PFOA is currently found in the bloodstream of 95 percent of American men, women, and children.

Now, a study has shown a correlation between PFOA and low birth weight in newborns. One of the head researchers in the independent study, Dr. Lynn Goldman, said that, “It appears that there is a relation between a higher level of exposure and lower birth weight, as well as the circumference of the head.”

Another recent study showed that PFOA caused an overreaction to allergens in mice.

PFOA has already been implicated in increased instances of cancer in the pancreas, liver, testicles, and mammary glands, as well as miscarriages, thyroid problems, weakened immune systems, and low organ weights.

A growing community of scientists believe the largest concentration of PFOA comes from the telomers used to make the stain and grease repellent coatings for fast food containers, apparel, and carpeting.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

Candida Yeast Infection And The Metal Toxicity Connection

The intense existence of harmful chemicals and toxic metals in our environment, in the medicines that we take, in the food that we eat and even in our dental fillings, creates a huge challenge for our body to effectively rid itself from these toxins resulting in a vicious cycle that manifests itself in a variety of symptoms and health problems, among them is candida albicans overgrowth that causes the symptoms of yeast infection to appear.

Chemical and toxic metal build up inside the body can also lead to hormonal imbalance, genetic alterations, immune system failure, poor elimination, slower healing process, skin problems, allergies and nerve and brain damage.

The presence of heavy metals in the body (led, silver, mercury) coming from food, the air that we breath, medicines and dental fillings (contain 50% amalgam), create an acidic and anaerobic (lacks oxygen) environment I that encourages candida yeast overgrowth.

When there is toxic metal overload in the intestine, the intestinal lining produces extra mucus to block metals from being absorbed into the blood stream. The problem is that this mucus creates an environment, which lacks oxygen, thus encourages bacteria and fungi like organisms such as candida yeast to grow out of control.

Moreover, candida binds to heavy metals (even in your amalgam fillings) and overgrows as the body performs a desperate attempt to protect itself against heavy metal poisoning.

A deep metal detoxification combined with the gradual removal of amalgam dental filling and replacing them with safer white fillings is one of the most important and fundamentals steps in battling candida yeast infection and restoring the body back into balance.

This article is based on the book, "Yeast Infection No More" by Linda Allen. Linda is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic yeast infection solution guaranteed to permanently cure the root of candida and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website;

=====> Yeast Infection No

Friday, February 15, 2008

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Exposed

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Exposed

I'm guessing you have tried to lose weight before, and in your attempt to do so you may have failed. The truth is that it's not your fault and you must know what the true cause of weight gain is and how you can overcome it. The truth may shock you! Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, exposes the most well kept secret in the fat loss industry which explains why many weight loss programs simply fail.

This article will explain why you currently cannot lose fat permanently, and how to change that once and for all.

Are you trying to decide if you want to purchase the eBook called "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst? Read my review as I give you my honest opinion and professional opinion as my line of work is in this field.

There are many so called weight loss eBooks being sold all over the internet. Most of the information you can find on your own if you really searched hard. But then what would you do with all that information. I always recommend following a system; one that it simple and one that works. Losing weight can be challenging as you take on new habits and replace the old negative ones.

As a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional Expert I come across many online products that claim to be the best program. As every program may have its place, let's face it there are many programs that shouldn't exist. Therefore the purpose of this review is to help you make an informed decision before you decide to buy or have considered buying the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook.

Here's My Review on the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook;

Before I get into exposing the eBook "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, let me give you a brief history of the lady behind the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook.

Who is Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst behind the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a doctor who has been working on a detox diet geared towards removing harmful parasites and plaque in the intestinal walls of your colon. She has developed a number of natural treatments that are proven to eliminate excess weight in the average person along with obese people. Below is a study she conducted with some of the results she came up with. This is accountable for the success of her program...

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Study;

She had applied the natural treatment to a number of patients ranging from over weight to obese. Among them were also patients that had life threatening over growth of parasites and plaque in their intestinal walls. As a result of the study, most of her clients dropped 10-30 pounds and the obese group dropped 100-200 pounds of weight. She had discovered that obesity was closely related to an overgrowth of parasites and a congested colon. The result of loosing weight and detoxifying your body will surely have a positive effect on your internal body. Her discovery has allowed her to eliminate many life threatening diseases in her patients.

The conclusion of the study proves you must fix your colon system before you can experience any real permanent fat loss...And her eBook "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" shows you how!

Drug Companies Do Not Want The "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" Public

As a result of her study and new release of her eBook "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" she has been in a lot of trouble. Dr Suzanne has already received many death threats to pull her eBook of the market and out of the hands of the general public. This natural treatment she came up with has upset the entire fat loss drug industry including the many weight loss food manufactures. The reason is because they can't prescribe fat loss drugs if you don't need them. This means they will lose profits, billions of dollars in profits. Among other drugs you probably won't need are; cholesterol drugs, high blood pressure drugs, etc.

The "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" eBook

I bought the eBook and I managed to read it on one sitting as the eBook was only 38 pages. Here's the thing; from my experience short eBooks can be very effective especially if the content covers a lot of ground. You can read them quickly and then follow up with action. If the material becomes to long and it takes you a few weeks to read it chances are you may never get around to applying it.

Chapter Overview to the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret; What Is The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret?

Chapter 1

"How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Program"

This is a pretty general part of the eBook which covers most of the basics to any good weight loss program. She states that you need to follow the advice of people who have been down the path you want to achieve, which is why I recommend listening to her as she knows what she is talking about.

Chapter 2

"Lose Weight Fast ­ Naturally With These 8 Simple Tips"

These are some basic principles you can implement into your life so you don't fall into the trap of gaining excess weight again.

Chapter 3

"The Metabolic Type Plan: What is the right type of diet for you?"

This section helps you identify which diet best suits you. It helps you determine the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need which are optimal for your metabolism. I did mention you were able to eat carbohydrates, as many think they need to avoid them to lose weight. This is the biggest misconception in the entire weight loss industry.

Chapter 4

"Changing Your Eating Habits"

This is an obvious chapter for some but not so obvious for others. We know that most of your eating habits landed you that extra weight on your body. So its undoing them that will help you set the right eating habits in motion. The great thing about this section is that it helps you make gradual changes or drastic changes. It all depends on the pace you want to go on. I think this is what really helps people commit to the regimen. Another great part of this chapter is how to identify your emotional triggers that might cause you to eat garbage foods.

So now that we have almost covered all the chapters you may be asking your self where is this so called "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret"? Well the secret lies in the last chapter, Chapter 5; Detoxifying your Colon and Liver.

Chapter 5

"Detoxifying your Colon and Liver"

In this chapter she discusses how to remove the parasites naturally and safely using plant extracts and herbs combined to clean out the colon. Remember these parasites are what make us fat.These creatures are also what are keeping you from losing that unwanted weight!! She states: "The fat that your body has accumulated or stored is a way to protect your vital organs from more toxicity building up." She continues: "A sure sign that you have toxic buildup is fat around the midsection, buttocks and/or thighs" No matter how much exercise you do, you're still going to have a pot belly, unless you use the information provided in this eBook to rid your self of parasites and colon plaque.

Chapter 6

"How to Maintain Results"

This is the section on maintaining your results, so you don't go back to your old negative eating habits which got you fat and sick in the first place. This section covers a variety of dietary and nutritional considerations and there are very important tips here to continue being in great health.

So there you have it, I hope my review has helped you make a much better informed decision. In all I think it's worth the asking price of the program. As it will surely help you lose weight and regain health.

Why piece random information from the internet in attempts to lose weight when you have all they information in one place and in a plan of action. Overall I recommend the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Exposed" eBook.

If you'd like to find out more how her "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" works and how you can get it (and before someone knocks her off for good!) then just click through to this link;



Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. He truly wants to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth.


You may wish to publish this article for your website, blog, etc. As long as the article remains in its full entirety; including the links and the about the author resource box.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Revealed

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Revealed
Keep Reading...

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life!

A lady doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered — and this has the whole diet food and drug industries turned upside down and in nothing less than a torrential uproar.

Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she’s marching to the beat of a different drum.

And no, nothing about her “secret” is difficult — nor does it require that you do something completely out of the ordinary or anything unnatural.

Instead, the Arizonian boasts proudly “…this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first … but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results.”

This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity — and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to be unable to lose any weight whatsoever.

Over the course of six years the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for the removal of these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites — and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of which were in immediate danger of dying) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases of overweight persons — only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject wasn’t nearly as much as those obese patients 100 lbs to 200 lbs or more overweight).

So powerful is her secret that she’s able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as an elimination of an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases.

Nearly 100% of all her case subjects were told in the alternative by “conventional doctors” that they either had just months or years to live, or they would never live a life anything resembling remotely a “normal” existence — yet after applying Dr Suzanne’s treatments saw a complete contradiction to others doctors’ prognoses.

Again, nothing about her secret is unnatural or requires someone to do any major action or modification in their lives.

In fact, her entire treatment is based completely on built-into-nature ‘protection agents’ scattered throughout the world in the form of select herbs, extracts, and organic constituents, and which can be found in a variety of plants — but when combined in specific combinations and carefully chosen amounts make for a solution to what is perhaps the world’s worst ever plague: OBESITY (and the illnesses and diseases resulting from it — or at least severely aggravated or exacerbated by it).

Now to everyone else’s great gain, whether suffering from just a few extra pounds and inches, to those extremely fat and overweight, this brave, bold lady doctor is releasing to the general public her secret for forever destroying the tight unrelenting closed-fist of obesity’s stronghold over the now more than 40% of Americans labeled obese, and others worldwide.

But she’s not promising any of us for how long.

Some experts and sociologists suggest that in the bigger scheme of things, the world will never tolerate a discovery of such magnitude, any more than it would be realistic to expect a car that runs on water (even if very real) to ever become commercially available to the general public for day-to-day use.

One well-respected and famous diet & wellness author wrote years ago that if anyone ever “truly unlocked the keys to permanent fat loss, they may actually suffer the same fate as JFK.”

It is currently available at:

====>Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Click here to Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

…so you may want to head on over there now and get it and before someone or “something” gets it forever yanked out of ever getting in YOUR hand at least.

It’s in a very easily readable format and is quickly and readily understood and mastered by anyone with even a 4th grade reading level.

While you’re there, why not scroll down and review for yourself the huge successes others are now having with this incredible breakthrough in rapid, massive weight loss and extremely improved and enhanced health, now made freely available to the rest of us?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hip Hop Abs Reviewed - Is The Hip Hop Abs Program For You?

Hip Hop Abs Reviewed - Is The Hip Hop Abs Program For You?

Lets quickly take a look at what Hip Hop Abs is:

The Hip Hop Abs Program is an abdominal toning system, which features an instructor by the name of "Shaun T." Hip Hop Abs is focused around dance moves which target your mid section. Apparently the secret to Hip Hop Abs is the revolutionary "absolute engagement™" technique. This allows you to tilt, tuck, and tighten your way to a six-pack abs without having to do a single sit-up or crunch. This is great, but doing dance moves to target your mid section won't help you in the long run if your goal is too see your abs and lose some weight along the way. The focuses for any program relies on nutrition and the right times you do cardio.

I have been reviewing many products for my clients. I must say the product can work but requires some good effort. If you haven't worked out before no matter what program you try, it will help some what. The fact is that all the exercise in the world isn't going to get you into the best shape of your life, nor will it get you a six pack. That's where many people go wrong; you need to incorporate good eating habits with any program. The fact is that the program does come with some nutritional help but I feel it isn't enough to really give you an understanding how important it really is. I have had another client ask me about another program called the truth about six pack abs. I had a chance to look at it and I have been very pleased with it.

The program covers many exercise that target the mid section, and it illustrates them with easy to follow pictures. Most of the workouts can be performed at home just like Hip Hop Abs but the advantage "the truth about six pack abs" program has is the element of nutrition and cardio timing. Being a nutritional expert and personal trainer I found the nutritional aspect very informative. You won't find low carb diets you read in most nutritional books. The meal plans are very balanced and they are much geared towards your health. So not only will you look great you will feel great too.

This is something people never recognize. They think health is how good you look on the outside but it's actually how healthy you look on the inside. I always stress the fact that nutrition is 90% of any fitness and weight loss program. And the fitness program is usually 10% of your efforts. So now that we established this, how well do you think you can do on your weight loss journey if you have all the right nutritional info? A heck of a lot better than you probably did in the past. Why do you think we fail when we try to get into shape? Well for most people it's a lack of knowledge in the area of fitness and health and that's why people come see me.

Cardio is important too and Hip hop abs does count as some form of cardio, but the right type of cardio and when you do it is what's going to burn the fat off. Many people do cardio and in most cases they have been doing it all wrong. Haven't you noticed the same people doing cardio at the gym have been the same weight for who knows how many years? Obviously it's not working for them! Well In: the truth about six pack abs" program it teaches you what type of cardio to implement and of course what forms of cardio work. It illustrates what cardio you need to do and the most important part is when, which is the most important part of your weight loss success.

Doing 100's of crunches or tummy tucks, tilts, is not going to help you lose weight. Yeah you might see your abs, but faintly. You won't see your abs if it's surrounded by fat, which is what you need to lose before you can actually see them. If you want to see your abs you really need to know when to implement your cardio and you need to know how and what to eat. That is the sole reason why so many other plans fail and why people end up so frustrated with themselves and their attempts. I'll be the first to congratulate you for your efforts but some programs simply don't work. Not only that they don't give the right instructions for weight loss. What we need is the right knowledge on weight loss, not more misleading fitness programs.

So who will benefit from the truth about six pack abs? Well it's been designed for anyone who wants to lose weight and flatten their tummy. The program is created to accommodate both male and female, which means there are two different programs available. Many of my clients are following the program and have had great results with it. Hey I'm not saying Hip Hop Abs isn't going to work, but it definitely wont if you don't know what to eat, or when you should be doing your cardio.

Here's my Review;

The truth about abs program and its bonuses is well worth the price of $39.95, and is much cheaper than Hip Hop Abs which retails for 4 payments of 19.95 plus shipping 12.95. So you are looking at over $90, plus you need to wait until the program arrives in the mail, about 2 weeks or so. And let's face it how long can our motivation last for until the program decides to show up at the door.

The truth about six pack abs can be downloaded immediately from the vendor's website. What this means to you is that you can apply the program almost immediately. If you upgraded to the deluxe version you get the popular Eating Right Made Simple e-book for half price. This nutrition guide is the ideal companion to "the truth about six pack abs" program, and is the real secret to the program.

"The truth about six pack abs" is not like most books. It is 117 pages of rock solid material that if followed will definitely provide a means to your Six-Pack dreams and weight loss dreams.You need to make the commitment to read the material, and of course take action. And there's no need to perform workouts daily, 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes will show very good results. Just decide you want to change and do what is required by the program and you will surely see results.

The program comes with an 8 week money-back-guarantee. If you are not happy you can get a refund without any questions asked. So it's risk-free to give it a try. I have not yet met anyone who has returned the program. If you are serious about getting in the best shape of your life, like all of my clients have I recommend this program. This program will save you time, money and best of all frustration. I personally guarantee this program works; it's worked for many of my clients and they are very excited about their new transformation. You will be too when you follow the truth about six pack abs program.

Go direct to the;

==== >Truth About Six Pack Abs program website and get the body you deserve. Click Here and experience the transformation 1000's have already. Now it's your turn!

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. I truly want to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth.

Article Source:

Hip Hop Abs Reviewed - Is The Hip Hop Abs Program For You?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Turbulence Training vs. Body for Life

Turbulence Training vs. Body for Life

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Recently I was down in sunny Mesa, Arizona at a seminar that featured both Sir Richard Branson and Bill Phillips, the author of the most popular fat loss book ever, "Body for Life" (BFL).

It looked as though Bill hadn't aged a day since his book came out about 10 years ago, so he's doing something right.

Now I get questions all the time asking what's better, "Turbulence Training or Body for Life"?

Well, I'm going to be frank with you, and tell you that Turbulence Training is better, hands down.

Remember, BFL was written about 10 years ago. And a lot has changed since then. Granted, BFL had interval training in it, but it didn't use bodyweight circuits (like you'll find in your bonus workout, the TT DB-BW Fusion program).

These small changes and improvements we've learned in the last few years are enough to make the TT workouts shorter and better. So if you are stuck for time, you have no choice but to go with the program that is constantly being updated with the latest proven workout methods - and that's the Turbulence Training program.

If you have an old copy of BFL lying around, then that might help you for now. But if you want to beat a fat loss plateau, then you'll need all the help you can get, and that includes getting the latest fat loss info found in Turbulence Training.

(Plus, with Turbulence Training you get a lot more bonuses, and a lot less supplement advertising!)

Click here to get Turbulence Training

Turbulence Training beats BFL, Turbo Jam, and P90X, all hands down,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ginger Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Growth

Ginger Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cell Growth

ginger, health benefitsGinger may be useful for treating and preventing ovarian cancer, according to a new study.

The spicy root not only has antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties, but the study also found that the ginger component gingerol exerts anti-inflammatory effects by mediating NF-KB, a protein complex that regulates your immune system’s response to infection.

In the study of cultured ovarian cancer cells, ginger inhibited growth and modulated secretion of angiogenic factors, which is a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant state.

The ginger also inhibited vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and interleukin-8 (IL-8), two compounds that are related to cancer growth.

Scientists Admit -- Sun Exposure Benefits Outweigh Risks

Scientists Admit -- Sun Exposure Benefits Outweigh Risks

sun, sunlight, exposure, sunshineModerate sun exposure offers more health benefits than risks, particularly for people who are deficient in vitamin D or who live in colder, northern latitudes, according to U.S. and Norwegian researchers.

The study found that vitamin D levels, which were calculated based on sun exposure, were linked to survival rates for cancer patients. Those who lived in sunnier, southern latitudes, and had higher vitamin D levels, were less likely to die from cancer than people in northern latitudes.

The researchers analyzed the amount of vitamin D generated by sun exposure at different latitudes, and cross-referenced it with data of cancer incidence and survival rates for people living in varying locations.

They found that people in northern latitudes produce significantly less vitamin D than people nearer to the equator. Specifically, they found Australians produce 3.4 times more vitamin D than people in the United States, and almost five times more vitamin D than Scandinavians.

Meanwhile, rates of major cancers such as colon, lung, breast and prostate increased from north to south, while survival rates decreased from north to south.

The researchers said the findings provide further support for sun-induced vitamin D on cancer prognosis.

Previous studies suggest that vitamin D may protect against cancer by discouraging out-of-control cell reproduction and hindering the formation of new blood vessels for tumors.

Cancer-Causing Benzene Still in Drinks

Cancer-Causing Benzene Still in Drinks

SodaNearly one out of ten of 200 beverage samples analyzed in a recent study by the EPA and FDA still had benzene levels above the U.S. EPA drinking water limit of 5 parts per billion (ppb).

Many manufacturers have reformulated their products to minimize or eliminate benzene. In these reformulated products, benzene levels were 1.1 ppb or less. About 71 percent of beverage samples contained less than 1 ppb.

Benzene can form in beverages that contain the preservative benzoate salt and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Beverages were reformulated in the early 1990’s to avoid benzene formation, but it has recurred in recent years because new manufacturers were unaware of the problem and added vitamin C to drinks.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Top 7 Articles | Most Viewed Health Articles

The Healing Power of Magnets

This is a great article and I have been using magnets myself for many years. They have helped me recover from injuries due to training and Thai Boxing. I really believe in them and there is much scientific evidence backing them up! You need to know that there are different types of magnets, varying in strength. So before you decide to buy one I would suggest you do a bit of research on them first.

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

Take The Transformational Challenge | The NEW "You" In The NEW YEAR!

Hey friends, I just came across a body transformation contest. I suggest you decide to take the transformational contest challenge and enroll yourselves. You have nothing to lose, but weight of course, and there are great prizes to be won. This could be what you were looking for this year to really make some changes. What are you waiting for...take a look at the contest rules by visiting

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

H20 | Hydrate Or Die

Right from the top, juice, soda, alcohol and coffee/tea do not count as water! I see a lot of people counting those drinks as part of their daily intake of water, but what they really do is increase your sugar (and calorie) consumption and DEHYDRATE you even more than you already are. And to be clear, dehydration does the opposite of what water does, which is hydrate your body. Keep in mind that your body is made up of 80% water and most of the population is severely dehydrating themselves due to their westernized way of living. So, beyond the obvious reasons, why should you be drinking water? Here are 5 reasons why:

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

Are Personal Trainers Right For You!?

The New Year is here and I can bet that many people have Health and Fitness on their mind, especially getting into the best shape of their lives. There for you will most likely need a gym membership. And what goes along with that is the up sell of a Personal Trainer. Don't get me wrong the gym is in the business of getting you into shape. But just be cautious as to which PT you choose to work with.

There will be many new Personal Trainers that enter the field this year and many more to come. But also many will leave the field not because they are retiring, but because they are not passionate about it. I have put this article together to help you make a sound decision if you decide to hire one, or not!

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

3 Reasons For Your Weight Gain

Reason #1

You think that not eating will make you lose weight

Not eating is what will get you fat in the first place. This drastically slows your metabolism and puts your body into hibernation. Your body is designed to protect you and it will do anything to keep you alive. In this case it's keeping you alive from you staving yourself by storing fat and slowing your metabolism. The basic trick is to start eating. You can start by eating a few portions a day. A portion serving size can be measured by a closed fist. Be sure to include lean protein sources, complex carbohydrates, and essential healthy fats!

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

How to Ensure Your Health & Fitness Resolution

I have made a note of the importance of having a new years resolution. It gives you a chance to start new, to start fresh. I don't believe you have to wait for the New Year to start something though. You should start as soon as possible and put all the excuses behind you! The reasons we fail in the past, and for some reason never bring our resolutions to reality is because we break our promise!

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

500 Workout; What Is It & How To Do It...

Here’s a pretty cool article by Craig Ballantyne, author of Turbulence Training…

If you’ve seen the movie “300″, then you probably notice the incredible physiques that the actors had. There has been much hype over the film 300, or more specifically over the athletic physiques of the men that appeared in the film. Many people were soon asking, how do I get a body like that? What sort of training program do I need to follow? Is it possible for the average guy to look so athletic? In short, the answer is yes. But it requires a lot of hard work. The sculpted bodies in the movie "300" were chiseled by the legendary 300 workout found in Men's Health magazine. The actors trained hardcore, using kettle bells, weights, bodyweight, tires, and more.

But for most people, this workout was difficult to do because it includes a lot of equipment typically not found in home gyms or commercial gyms. So you couldn't do the kettle bell clean and press or box jumps.

That's why Men's Health expert Craig Ballantyne developed the Turbulence Training Bodyweight 500 workout. This is a 500 repetition workout performed using only bodyweight exercises. No weights are needed. It's still challenging, it will still burn fat, and it will still help you achieve the body of a Greek Warrior. The great thing is that you can do it in any gym, or with a few pieces of equipment, a home gym also.

Read The FULL Article HERE >>>>>

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Magnets And Their Ability To Heal

The Healing Power of Magnets

This is a great article and I have been using magnets myself for many years. They have helped me recover from injuries due to training and Thai Boxing. I really believe in them and there is much scientific evidence backing them up! You need to know that there are different types of magnets, varying in strength. So before you decide to buy one I would suggest you do a bit of research on them first.

Magnets have been used for their healing properties since ancient times, and now a new study has found that they can reduce swelling when applied immediately after an inflammatory injury.

In their initial study, researchers from the University of Virginia set out to investigate the effect of magnetic therapy on microcirculation, which is blood flow through tiny blood vessels.

They placed magnets of 70 milliTesla (mT) field strength, which is about 10 times the strength of the common refrigerator magnet, near rats’ blood vessels and found that they dilated constricted blood vessels, and constricted vessels that were dilated. The results suggested that the magnetic filed could relax blood vessels and increase blood flow.

In the more recent study, the researchers used magnets on rats’ paws that had been treated with inflammatory agents to simulate tissue injury. The magnets significantly reduced swelling in the rats’ paws by up to 50 percent when applied immediately after the injury.

Dilation of blood vessels is a major cause of swelling, and it’s thought that the magnets worked by limiting blood flow.

Muscle bruising and joint sprains are the most common injuries worldwide, and since injuries that don’t swell heal faster, the magnet therapy could have widespread applications.

The researchers envisioned using magnets in place of ice packs and compression to treat injuries in high school, college, and professional sports teams, as well as among retirement communities.


* Science Daily January 3, 2008

* American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology November 2, 2007

Deepak Chopra | The Wonder of YOU!

I though this would be a great 1 minute inspirational video for you to watch!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Take The Transformational Contest

Hey friends, I just came across a body transformation contest. I suggest you decide to take the transformational contest challenge and enroll yourselves. You have nothing to lose, but weight of course, and there are great prizes to be won. This could be what you were looking for this year to really make some changes. What are you waiting for...take a look at the contest rules by visiting

Sorry for the short notice, I just found out about this today. The deadline to enter is this Monday, January 21st, 2008. I know it's a late reminder but I just found out about it today.

Turbulence Training

The contest is only open to men and women who have purchased Turbulence Training and who post their before and after photos in the forum of the Turbulence Training Member's Site.

Prizes for the Contest:

Grand Prize - $2000 & a 3-year Platinum TT Membership

Second Place - $1000 & a 2-year Platinum TT Membership

Third Place - $500 & a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership

So now that you know the prizes, go find out the contest rules and apply.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

P.S. If you do not decide to take the challenge for some crazy reason, you can download a Bonus eBook to get you started working out.

4- Week WORKOUT -Download HERE

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The New You In The New Year | With The Right Help Of Course

Here is another look at my reviews for the top 3 selling ebooks online for weight loss and fitness. These are the programs I highly recommend because they work and they have been on the market for a very long time. Most of my clients that I work with do use these ebooks. They have proven to be very useful in my practice as a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer.

"Learn The Real Truth About Burning Fat Before You "BURN" $50 or $100 Or More! Get The Story Straight!"

There are a thousand products out there claiming to change your life over night. The truth is, NOTHING CHANGES OVERNIGHT! Remember to read this page completely, so you can make an informed decision about which "fat burning" product you "invest" in!

Read This Page Before You End Up Burning Money Instead!!

There are literally an endless number of different weight loss systems available on the web today, most of which are overpriced and ineffective junk.

The recent statistics are no surprise: Over 97% of people who begin a weight loss program quit after just a few weeks due to a lack of positive results. This is a vicious circle created by the marketers so they can sell you more and more. Consumers who are in the "Hope & Purchase" cycle are ideal targets for them to make money! Yes!! That's true! Avoid being in this vicious circle at any cost!

We offer full reviews of popular downloadable e-Books and guides for dealing with various health issues. Below you'll find side by side reviews of 3 top weight loss/muscle gain guides, including the pro's and con's of each product. Our top recommendation is "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle" by Tom Venuto. The Burn the fat guide is a complete package of 341 pages of Tom's extensive research. Though, the lucid style of this book makes it very easy for anyone to follow and understand.

He has obviously read widely and thoroughly investigated the science behind many aspects of health and nutrition which form the cornerstones to his proven approach to successful long term weight loss. As a professional body builder, Tom has had the opportunity to apply and test his theories, both on himself and the people whom he coaches professionally to understand what works and why.

Below you will find our current top picks...
Our #1-Rated Program As Of November 2007


#1 Ranked Best-Seller

Click For More Info

Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle System

By Tom Venuto

Our Product Review:

While reading Tom's website, you simply cannot overlook his remarkable list of credentials. He's a lifetime body-building fanatic and as he mentions, has spent 14 years researching, testing and perfecting the techniques outlined in his book.

The sight looks like it's only for wannabe body-builders, do not be fooled by Tom's looks! The fat loss techniques covered in the book are just that, fat loss...... not body-building, not intense fitness training, fat loss. We have rated this book number one, it is an excellent read. It's well structured, covers everything you need to know about burning off body-fat, and most importantly, it uses weight loss techniques that are realistic and achievable for anyone. If you're looking for a book which teaches intense workout sessions to burn body fat, take a look at Turbulence training below.

Click here to visit the Burn The Fat, Feed The muscle website.

Our #2-Rated Program As Of November 2007


#2 Ranked Best-Seller

Click For More Info

Truth About Abs

Our Product Review:

Although this product is marketed specifically at achieving toned, abdominals, the information contained deals with fat loss just as much as it focuses on the abdominals, after all, the abs are one of the main trouble-spots for excess fat.

In this guide, you'll learn why many of the cliché, cardio fat loss exercises are an inefficient use of your workout time, and what exercises you should really be using. The thing I really like about this book is that it's got a good balance of nutritional information (the foods you should be eating to reduce/prevent body-fat,) as well as highly effective exercises to compliment your eating plan.

Click here to visit the truth About Abs website.

Our #3-Rated Program As Of November 2007


#3 Ranked Best-Seller

Click For More Info

Turbulence Training

Our Product Review:

This program focuses on short, intense workout sessions as the main way to loosing body fat and toning up. Although this system won't be for everyone (especially if you've gone years without), it does take an interesting perspective at loosing weight with out hour after hour of cardio work. The e-Book looks at all over fat-loss, and includes information on how to burn off fat without burning muscle. As mentioned, the main focus is workout technique and intensity, the system isn't as focused on the nutrition side of things as the above products, although there is some good nutrition info in one of the bonus books.

All in all, this is a great way to go if you don't have a lot of time to spend on slow cardio, and you're willing to give an intense effort at the exercises outlined.

Click here to visit the Turbulence Training website.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

H20 | xxxx Hydrate or DIE xxxx

Right from the top, juice, soda, alcohol and coffee/tea do not count as water! I see a lot of people counting those drinks as part of their daily intake of water, but what they really do is increase your sugar (and calorie) consumption and DEHYDRATE you even more than you already are. And to be clear, dehydration does the opposite of what water does, which is hydrate your body. Keep in mind that your body is made up of 80% water and most of the population is severely dehydrating themselves due to their westernized way of living. So, beyond the obvious reasons, why should you be drinking water?

Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Water is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our bodies.

2. Water is the substance of life. Life can not exist without water. We must constantly be adding fresh water to our body in order to keep it properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. We can go for weeks without food, but only 3 days without water!

3. Water is essential for proper circulation in the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the body is well-hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available, the more fat it will burn to use for energy. Without the presence of oxygen, the body cannot properly use your body's stored fat for energy. Not only will the body burn more fat when it's well-hydrated it also increases oxygen levels; which means you will also have more energy.

4. Water helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.

5. Dehydration can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months when it is hot. The dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the body even quicker than when it is hot. When you are dehydrated you tend to eat more. The rule of thumb when drinking water is to drink your own bodyweight divided by 2 in ounces.

For example, my bodyweight is 180 pounds so my daily intake of water should be at least 90 oz. What is your daily intake? Have you been drinking enough water? If not make the changes now. A good way to drink more water is to just replace all of your juices and sodas with good old H2O.

Article Source:

Personal Trainers | Are They Right For You!?

The New Year is here and I can bet that many people have Health and Fitness on their mind, especially getting into the best shape of their lives. Therefor you will most likely need a gym membership. And what goes along with that is the up sell of a Personal Trainer. Don't get me wrong the gym is in the business of getting you into shape. But just be cautious as to which PT you choose to work with.

There will be many new Personal Trainers that enter the field this year and many more to come. But also many will leave the field not because they are retiring, but because they are not passionate about it. I have put this article together to help you make a sound decision if you decide to hire one, or not!

Fitness is becoming ever so popular and so are jobs in the fitness industry. A lot of people are hiring Personal Trainers more so than ever before, or have thought of hiring a personal trainer in the past. Personal trainers are the professionals of the weight loss industry. It's funny in a way that when you need someone to handle your legal affairs you hire a Lawyer. If you need someone to fix your car you hire a mechanic. But when people think about losing weight they go through a myriad of choices include fad dieting, weight loss products, plastic surgery etc...

The problem with those options is that they are only short term solutions. You will probably see weight loss in the short term but be extremely frustrated when you gain back the weight AND THEN SOME. All of those above solutions do not tackle the real problem which is our North American lifestyles. The truth is we need to be informed of the right decisions.

The Pros & Cons of A Personal Trainer

Personal trainers cost money

Personal trainers charge anywhere between $40-120 per session, and yes you read that right. That's just for a one workout session which is no more than an hour. Also with that said in order to train with some personal trainers you may need to get a gym membership, which means more costs for you. These costs can range from $240-720 just for a package of 6, plus the gym membership.

There are different levels of certifications

Let's be real now, almost anyone can get a certification and those that don't just can't cut it. A certification is just a way of telling whether or not this trainer is competent enough to know his/her basic anatomy and exercise physiology. You need to check if your trainer is certified and IF they have other certifications. It does not automatically make them the best but you at least weed out contenders from the pretenders. Still note that having a certificate doesn't mean they know what they are doing.

Don't be a guinea pig

The personal training industry has a 90% turnover rate. A lot of people think they can do the job but only a few actually stick around. You want to be with someone who has a proven track record to get you to where you want to be. Check their references through testimonials and past clientele. If they were referred to you then it's EVEN BETTER.

How is their fitness level?

Looks are not everything but they are a good indicator when choosing the right trainer. Would you be motivated by a trainer who is overweight and soft? I didn't think so.

Health and Fitness MUST be their choice of career

Not every good trainer will be a trainer for life. But I have always found that the best, most knowledgeable and the ones that probably have the most fun at training are those that make health and fitness a career. They are just more serious about the job then someone who is doing it part time to "make a little extra cash".


If you have ever wanted to try personal trainer HIRE one for a session and see the difference. Many offer a free Personal Training session, but some don't. I would advise to find a trainer that is willing to prove themselves to you with a free session. In most cases if you find the right PT you will achieve your results 80% faster and come away with knowledge that could quite possibly last you a lifetime.

You should also consider tackling the right nutritional guidance. Many Personal Trainers do a great job at training their clients, but many know nothing about the importance of Nutrition and how it can speed up your weight loss results. You need to implement sound Nutritional advice to any weight loss regimen. Learn the importance of Nutrition, from the foods that make us fat, to the ones that help us burn fat. Download your free weight loss report, packed with tips and tricks on weight loss by clicking HERE. This offer won't last long and it usually sells for $47 USD. Your's FREE for the holidays!

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. I truly want to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth.

3 Reasons For Your Weight Gain

Reason #1

You think that not eating will make you lose weight

Not eating is what will get you fat in the first place. This drastically slows your metabolism and puts your body into hibernation. Your body is designed to protect you and it will do anything to keep you alive. In this case it's keeping you alive from you staving yourself by storing fat and slowing your metabolism. The basic trick is to start eating. You can start by eating a few portions a day. A portion serving size can be measured by a closed fist. Be sure to include lean protein sources, complex carbohydrates, and essential healthy fats!

Reason #2

You try to lose weight with the newest fad diet

Fad diets are designed to make you lose weight almost drastically. The real method to losing weight is long term. About 1-3 pounds of fat loss is ideal. The overall goal is to implement healthy life style choices rather than dieting.

Reason #3

Your metabolism is too slow

Why your metabolism is Slow!

  • You don't eat
  • You skip breakfast
  • You don't eat the right foods
  • You eat one big meal before you go to bed
  • You don't move around
  • Your thyroid may be sluggish
  • You're toxic
  • You're too stressed out
  • You don't get enough sleep

You can increase your metabolism by just doing the opposite listed above. With some exceptions of course. Review my other articles on weight loss to further assist you!

What foods make us Fat?

There are plenty of foods that make us fat, but they can be easily put into category.

For instance anything that can be bought at the convenience store is most likely packed with sugars, artificial sweeteners, and is highly processed. So I would stay away from anything that is created for convenience. Avoid foods that are refined, and processed. Foods like white rice, white bread, pretty much anything white. Switch to alternatives like whole wheat bread, and brown rice. The obvious fast food chains make us fat too, and don't be fooled with their salads because the dressing can send that into a high calorie meal. The main objective is to avoid highly processed foods, which are loaded with simple sugar. Therefore you should acquaint your self with whole foods that haven't been modified, processed or contaminated with pesticides. In this case anything that Mother Nature makes, not what science makes!

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. I truly want to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth.
