Sunday, November 18, 2007

An Approach to Acid/Alkaline Dieting and Lifestyle made easy! (Part 1)

Want to learn about a dieting and lifestyle system that has been shown to prevent the development of the WORST diseases around such as Cancer, AIDS and Heart Disease.... And even reverse them!

You may have heard the words Acidic body or Acid / Alkaline Balance thrown around. What these terms are describing is what's referred to as a person’s body PH, this balance is what at the end of the day truly determines a person’s health. To put it into the simplest terms your body at all times is trying to achieve a balanced state between being too acidic and too alkaline. When this balance is thrown off this is where disease begins to have full reign in destroying your health.

The ideal body PH is 7.4 which is slightly alkaline, 7 being neutral. Unfortunately the average persons balance tends to float in the acidic range around 5.5-6. It’s also worth noting that 7.4 is the PH of your blood, if your blood PH were to drop down to 6.95 you would die! So it’s not too surprising to find that many of the diseases are simply a body PH that’s simply headed downhill. Not to worry though as easily as you can become acidic you can make efforts to become more alkaline as well!
If you’re curious about finding out what your body PH is you can buy tester strips also known as Litmus Paper. You can either test with this paper using your saliva or urine, although urine testing has been shown to be more accurate which is why it tends to show up as more acidic than saliva. The best time to test is first thing in the morning before you start drinking water and eating. What you’re looking for is a green to dark green colour to show up. If the colour coming up is yellow or even orange in rare cases you’ve got work to do.

Now what you’re probably wondering about most is what are the factors that determine if you’re becoming acidic or alkaline. Well to start the most basic and often overlooked even in this category is Oxygen. Oxygen being what we inhale is pure ALKALINE, on the other hand what we exhale being Carbon Dioxide is pure ACIDIC. So to start if you’re not doing cardio or some deep breathing exercises, odds are you’re acidic. Also worth noting is that there has been scientific proof that deep breathing exercises daily can actually reverse diseases such as cancer.
Also when you exercise, your muscles produce what’s called lactic acid. This is simply a natural byproduct of muscle contractions. When it is produced it is the responsibility of the minerals in your body to bind to the acid and eliminate it, this applies to any acid byproduct in the body. Lactic acid being obviously acidic, minerals which help eliminate it such as Magnesium are alkaline. It’s no surprise that people who are overly acidic also tend to be mineral deficient since your minerals are constantly trying to eliminate the bombardment of acidity your body is producing.

What most of the focus on for Acid/Alkaline balance is the diet itself.
For detailed lists I’d suggest looking into a Acid/Alkaline dieting book or any books titled Macrobiotics which is a dieting system originating from Japan that deals with acid/alkaline balancing principles. Some food groupings can be found online as well, although I'm trying to steer clear of the details and just give you the most important points.

In Part 2 I list the Acidic and Alkaline food groups as well as suggestions on how to increase alkalinity easily and prevent disease as a result!

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