Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 Tips On How To Find The RIGHT Personal Trainer


"I will do this" is the only attitude that works. "I'll try" or "I think" doesn't work." - David Kekich

A lot of people in my newsletter have either tried a personal trainer or have thought of hiring a personal trainer in the past. Personal trainers are the professionals of the weight loss industry. It's funny in a way that when you need someone to handle your legal affairs you hire a Lawyer. If you need someone to fix your car you hire a mechanic. But when people think about losing weight they go through a myriad of choices include fad dieting, weight loss products, plastic surgery etc...

The problem with those options is that they are only short term solutions. You will probably see weight loss in the short term but be extremely frustrated when you gain back the weight AND THEN SOME. All of those above solutions do not tackle the real problem which is our North American lifestyles.

Here is a solution to your weight loss problem: HIRE A PERSONAL TRAINER

Personal trainers change your lifestyle to one that supports healthy eating, exercise and stress relief. What you are getting with a personal trainer is achieving long term fitness results and keeping it that way.

Here are 5 tips on how to select the RIGHT personal trainer:


The personal training industry has a 90% turnover rate. A lot of people think they can do the job but only a few actually stick around. You want to be with someone who has a proven track record to get you to where you want to be. Check their references through testimonials and past clientele. If they were referred to you then it's EVEN BETTER.

2. Make sure they are certified!

Why is this #2? It should be the #1 shouldn't it? Let's be real now, almost anyone can get a certification and those that don't just can't cut it. A certification is just a way of telling whether or not this trainer is competent enough to know his/her basic anatomy and exercise physiology. You need to check if your trainer is certified and IF they have other certifications. It does not automatically make them the best but you at least weed out contenders from the pretenders.

3. How is their fitness level?

Looks are not everything but they are a good indicator when choosing the right trainer. Would you be motivated by a trainer who is overweight and soft? I didn't think so.

4. Personality is a PLUS

When I train with my clients it is not just about helping them achieve their goals. I have fun with them and sometimes it does not seem like we are training at all. You want a trainer with a personality that suits yours. I'm not saying that they should be best friends but laughing every once in awhile never hurt anyone. Be with someone you feel comfortable with and you will reap the benefits.

5. Health and Fitness MUST be their choice of career.

Not every good trainer will be a trainer for life. But I have always found that the best, most knowledgeable and the ones that probably have the most fun at training are those that make health and fitness a career. They are just more serious about the job then someone who is doing it part time to "make a little extra cash".

If you have ever wanted to try personal trainer HIRE one for a session and see the difference. You will achieve your results 80% faster and come away with knowledge that could quite possibly last you a lifetime.

If you are considering a Personal Trainer stop by HERE first

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