Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Calorie is NOT a Calorie

People may think that all calories are equal, but they are not. A calorie from a chocolate bar will react differently in your body than lets say a protein source like chicken breast. We metabolise all foods differently, some being more metabolic than others. If we were on a restricted diet of 1500 cals., but we decided to only eat a combo at McDonald's, then in most cases we would have met are quota of 1500 cals in one sitting. But that would not be the goal. You would want to eat a much cleaner selection of food threw out. We could easily break down 1500 cals into smaller meals that can average 300-400 cals. This would give you between 4-5 meals for the day. This will have a much better effect on your metabolism, and mostly your blood sugars. Eating throughout the day will give you energy and help your body become more metabolic. Meaning you'll become more effecient in burning fat as a source of energy.

Please note that this is the very first post. I promise I will have more to say...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice read bro
