Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Game of Health; Here Are The RULES! Part #2

Here is Part #2 ENJOY!

Take the first step in making a change. Even if it’s a small step, it still counts towards your overall achievement. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”. It couldn’t have been said any better. Take that one step; make that decision to take control of your health.

In your past you may have not been successful with a weight loss program or any type of fitness program. Well there might be a few reasons for this. One might be the lack of knowledge, or too much of it. It may have been that you didn’t stick long enough with the program. Or you were not seeing results in the first week, which is not a good enough excuse stopping any program. Some things take time to manifest, and require some more effort. The reality is that you need to look at what you did in the past and if it didn’t give you the results you were looking for don’t worry! This web site is geared towards helping you achieve your goals. I will personally help you if you have any questions through my email.

As a child you never gave up on trying to walk. If you did you would still be crawling right now. Although your parents were there too motivate you through tough times and falling times, we too need to have someone there for us. That is why setting up a buddy program increases your chances with any program! I totally suggest finding a friend or even a personal trainer that can be there for you during the low times.

You need to give a program the time it deserves so you can see changes. We have been in the business of helping people achieve their goals and we charge big bucks for that service. We have a high success rate and the only time someone didn’t achieve their goals is because they were lying to themselves. They never did any of the recommendations in this program. The thing is you need to take the action, read through this web site and learn what we have to offer. We know this stuff works we teach it every day. This is our business. We have been helping people achieve they’re goals for many years now. Today is another day; your past results don’t dictate your future. Your present choices dictate your future. What you do today will affect your results for tomorrow, that’s why you need to get the right help right away.

Now don’t get me wrong being persistent is the key and we need to be motivated to take the initial steps for action. Unfortunately motivation can only last so long, it’s perfect to get you up and doing the things you need to get started but in most cases it wears out completely. That is why reprogramming the brain for success is very important. We need to tap into the sub conscious mind and remove negative blocks that affect our results and sabotage us!

The choices we make affect us in the long run, and so do the things we see. Sometimes we have a limited view on the things we see. We need to be more aware and at the same time cautious of what comes into contact with our minds. It is so easy to get distracted from our goals when there are thousands of messages, ads, newspapers, people’s opinions, affecting our thoughts. We may be living other people’s lives without even knowing it. We may be doing what they want instead of what we want. You may have a spouse question your actions and the fact that you are trying to make a change in your life. People without intention in most cases will try to keep you down or at least at their level because they don’t want to change. So if you change that means they have to! Most people think change is too hard and the most they can do is keep you at their level. I have to admit change can be challenging and it does take time to reprogram the mind. The trick is to stick with something. You need to devote yourself to something in order to get a result. If you keep changing your mind you will almost never get a result. If at first you say yes, then you say no, you have cancelled your ideas entirely. Stick with a decision!

If your going to play the game of health, know the rules, keep score. Know your goals and if you are getting closer to them. Have fun and enjoy the process of life and your actions toward a better body, and life. You will not only look better but you will feel better too. You will gain benefit from the inside out. Many people only think of health on the outside. On what the appearance of their bodies look like, but it’s deeper than that. The most important health is from the inside, having a healthy mind and body. This will ensure a greater life and longevity. People assume their late years are going to be full of illness, aches and pains. But it doesn’t have to be. If you take care of your body it will take care of you. Your body is like a car, if you don’t take care of it, it will surely break down. And so the body is the same, although the body is capable of doing tremendous things if you let it.

You need to play the game of life, and not get played by life. You need to take control of your action and your mind. Many people do things in their lives that don’t get them any results. You don’t need to work harder, you need to work smarter, and I know we all heard that one before. The fact is that we need to have the right information, but most importantly we need to take the right action too. Knowledge is power, up to a certain degree, but applied knowledge is the be all and end all to success. We offer the knowledge on this site; the only thing missing is applying this great information. Never wish that things were easier, wish that you were better. Wish that you were more capable of doing things with greater ease. I believe that we should always be improving; if we are not improving we are dying. We either grow, or perish! Now I know this might sound a little ruff, but it’s true our body cells die and regenerate almost all the time. We truly are amazing creatures and given the right tools we can achieve anything. I know this site is devoted to health and fitness but improving our selves is exactly what health and fitness is. It’s only normal to want more. We just need to know what we want and when we get it we need to be aware of that. Stop and enjoy our accomplishments, celebrate them. The more you keep on learning, the more you grow. What do you want to grow into, who do you want to become. What is the vision you have? Are you living the life you always dreamed of or are you living a life you never wanted?

Remember to read through this web site over a few times, you may have not seen something that was there before. Have you ever watched a movie the second time and noticed something different. Well that’s exactly how this works. So go over the web site, but I suggest you apply the things you learn.

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra.”

If you want to create a better body and even a better life you need to take full ownership of your life. Take the necessary steps to change your current situation by checking out Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle eBook!

Dean Boukaras, CPT
Build the Body of Your Dreams, Online

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article! Thank you for posting this information, it was very helpful =)
