Monday, October 15, 2007

Short Circuit

Hey Everyone, seeing how we all lead busy lives, I've decided to do something a little special for this tip. The biggest excuses I hear from people when I talk to them about being active is that they either don't have the time or the necessary equipment to work out. It's funny how people have 2-3 hours in their day to watch the news, their favourite television show etc, but they can't even invest 30 minutes to take care of the person that matters the most... THEMSELVES! So what I plan to do is give you all an easy yet effective workout that you can do at home or on the road. The best part about it is that it only takes 20 minutes and the only piece of equipment you need is your own body weight! You do have twenty minutes, right? You do have a body, right? Throw those excuses out of the window now and use this mini-circuit to your advantage.

For those who are already active, this circuit is best to do when you are travelling. When I went to Mexico, this was the exact circuit I used to maintain my level of fitness. So without further ado here it is!

To do a body weight circuit:
a) Pick 3 upper body exercises
) Pick 3 lower body exercises
) Alternate between lower and upper body exercises without rest until you have done all 6 exercises
d) Rest one minute
e) Repeat 2-3 more times until you have done 20 minutes

** Please check with a doctor before starting any work out program**

For more workout ideas you can download a free ebook here

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